Act. 77 Shroud of Oneself

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While elsewhere in town as the clouds began to turn a sickly grey. With crackling lightning raining down upon the grim looking Tokyo. The young girl named Hotaru peered out her window into the rain covered town. The desire to feel the cool wetness on her skin making her crack a smile. And yet she knew she was unable. Not the way she was. Not with a body like hers. A creature as she was. Not entirely human now configured by wires which replaced many of her body. Gritting her teeth Hotaru slumped to her knees a familiar seizure taking its course. Her body trembled, her vision blurred as the young woman fell to the ground. A coughing fit beginning as the sudden desire to cause harm to others made its way into the fragile mind of Hotaru. And to this she denied. Fighting back against the ill will, as the darkness ever so slowly began to envelope her both body and soul. For the darkness could only be kept at bay for so long before finally being released into the world.

Hotaru stretched her robotic arm towards her dresser, where the crystal pendant her father had given to her. He always said the pendant would take away her pain and at time it did. But nos it was far beyond her reach, and the weakened Hotaru waa losing this battle. The dark seed spreading within her tiny body, threatening to break Hotaru in two. "N-No!" Hotaru cried, her hand finally gripping onto the black sparkling pendant. It was then that a temporary yet hesitate wave of calmness washed over Hotaru.

Causing the young girl to tremble from the aftermath. Her breathing still very labored, Hotaru struggled to stand. Feeling as if the vile entity had finally gone silent. But my was she wrong, as the moment Hotaru's name was called from down stairs. Telling the young girl that she indeed had a visitor. A new sense of joy in Hotaru's heart the young child began to tidy up her room. Careful to leave out games for she and her new friend to enjoy. A single speck of light forever glowing within the very heart of Hotaru.

Soon a knock sounded on the door signalling to Hotaru her friend had arrived. Rushing to the door, Hotaru gripped onto the doorknob. Upon contact with the door Hotaru froze. As the darkness once again reared it's head. Now sensing the vast amount of power and purity eminitating from jusr beyond the door. The desire to grip onto that power beginning to eat at Hotaru who's hand shook violently as she prepared to open to door. Yes, that it. What we've been waiting for. Take it, take the power! The darkness beckoned its voice echoing through Hotaru's head driving her nearly mad.

While outside the door her dear friend Chibi Usa stood. Her anxiety rising as she heard the sudden change in her new friend Hotaru's attitude. Along with that the young pink haired child was also aware of the heavy air in the house. She didn't like it one bit, but she wasnt one to run away when it came to her friends. And this friend was a special one. Chibi Usa could feel it. Feeling the tension suddenly intensify in the very room Hotaru was in. Chibi Usa braced to open the door. Calling out to her friend in a concerned tone.

"Hotaru? Hotaru are you okay?" Chibi Usa questioned as she begun to bang on the door. Seeking answers from her frail friend who through a strangled voice cried out "D-Don't come in here!" And yet the tension continued to grow in the room Hotaru was in. The weakened girl stepping away from the door before ultimately collapsing in the center of the room. Giving the darkness the opputunity to take hold both physically and mentally. Taking the form of a thick black smog the darkness slowly enveloped the frail body of Hotaru.

The scared child peering around as the smog then seemed to cover Hotaru completely. Causing her to scream as Chibi Usa burst into the room. Her eyes not believing what they were seeing as the dark smog then lashed out towards Chibi Usa. Who quickly ducked to the ground for cover. All the while calling out to her dear friend "Hotaru! Hotaru I'm coming!" She cried out as not caring about the dark smog. Chibi Usa ran to her friend, ignoring the darkness before she placed her small hands on the back of Hotaru. Who on contact tensed up slightly before peeribg up towards her young pink haired friend in awe.

"Its okay, I'm here now." Chibi Usa's words almost music to Hotaru's ears as she fell into the young girl's embrace. Sobbing loudly as the dark smog seemed to hide angrily before ultimately melting away into the floorboards of the house. Leaving Hotaru be for the time being. But Chibi Usa knew this peace was temporary, and yet even so she was determined to protect her friend no matter what.

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