Game of Thrones

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I was enraged.

I then summoned my light sword.

I will kill her.

A life for a life

I then lunged at her but came to a halt as her other teammates block the way and I glared at them.

"Step Aside"I said in a threatening voice.

"Let her be Yuu and Yoru"She said as the two eyed her.

"Tsk"I scoffed.

"Either way I will take your life as a payment for the lives your brother take"I said as I felt anger,frustration and revenge take over my body and I grip my light sword.

"I can explain"She said but my mind won't listen it just wanted to get revenge.

I then attacked but before my sword can get in the perimeter of the two.

She block my sword.

"Please listen"She said as she struggles to block my sword.

I then slammed my sword and she dodge and I got annoyed.

"It was the Game of Thrones"She said as she eyed me with pleasing eyes.

"Game of Thrones?"I asked confused

"Yes the Game of Thrones"She said and I relax as my heart told me to listen but my mind said I should take revenge.


To avenge my clan.

Is that really what I wanted.

"Will you listen?"She asked but I cannot answer her.

"Please" She said bowing her head touching the ground.

"Yoshino you don't need to do that"The brown haired boy asked the girl.

"I am fine Yuu" She said reassuring the boy.

Her deep blue hair then swayed as her onyx eyes gazed at me.

"I I I will l-listen" I said stuttering but in any case their is an attack I will hve my sword.

"It all started on the Game of Thrones" She said as she eyed the ground


Have you ever wonder how the Ongaku Clan choose their heir?

Well it was not like how other clans normally chose their leader.

In the Ongaku Clan the choosing of the heir is done through what they call..

Game of Thrones

It is a competition held on the Ongaku village where its main goal is to see the last man standing...

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