Informtion about OC

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Nikita Satomi

12 years old

Scarlet hair

Violet eyes

Posses the legendary dōjutsu namely Kiriyu

A lazy ninja.

Serious when needed.

In love with Sasuke Uchiha

"I am lazy that is my quotation"

Yoru Xia Ongaku

12 years ago old

White Hair

Onyx eyes

Specialty: Music Genjutsu

Always Cheerful

Loves his clan

Responsible leader

"I will protect my clan with my life"

Yoshino Feng Ongaku

12 years old

Deep Blue Colored Hair

Onyx eyes

Specialty: Offensive Music Attack

Always to protect her teammates


Loyal to her duty

Took a liking at Kaito

"I will protect the throne of Yoru-sama"

Kaito Han Ongaku

12 years old

Brown hair

Onyx eyes

Specialty: Music Healing

Always quiet

Brain of the group

Support of the whole team

Quietly in love with Yoshino

"Stealt is needed for a ninja"

Haraku Isamu

Almighty Fox Sage

Same age as Jiraiya

Part of the legendary Sannin

White Blond Hair

Violet eyes

Specialty: Ninja Art:Fox's Howl

Loves his student

Always smiling

Careful when fighting

"Enjoy life while your young not like me!"

Nikita of the Kiriyu[Naruto Fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now