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I open my eyes as a blinding light greet me so I blinked once more to diminish the light.

I then realized everything that happened so I sigh.

I then got up to see myself placed in a bed with white hugging the whole room.I then realized the exam.

"Oh No!"I said out loud as I jumped out of the comfortable bed but my feet gave out instantly as it touched the cold floor.

I then observed myself as I saw I am in a hospital gown.

Uh,Stupid hospital and it's stupid gown.

I then stood up as my hands then gripped on the bed as I stood and balanced myself until my body can now stand.

I then reached out for my ninja outfit on the stool beside my bed.

"Nikita?!"A voice called my name as I look ahead and see Hatake rushing at me.

As he approached me he then hugged me tight and I was shocked at this.

"H-Hatake?"I called out but it seems to come out as a question instead.

"You scared me"He said as he faced me.

I then stared at him and smile.

"I am a Satomi so I won't die easily Baka"I said and he only give me his infamous closed eyes smile.

While I was caught up in the situation I then remembered the exam.

"The exam"I said as I hurriedly ran to the bathroom to change and he chuckled at me..


I was glad that the other rookies have passed the exam.

As They were talking their my eyes then laid upon the rookies from Suna.

I was shocked to know that Gaara's team was first to come and not even a scratch was impaled on their skin

"Nikita how'd you get here in the tower without being notice?"Naruto asked me and they also perked up as to the knowledge that I was badly beaten after I saved their but.

"Secret"I said and they were disappointed at my answer.

"Nikita!"A cheery voice called my name as it got the rookies attention.

"Oh hi"I said and greeted the team of Ongaku.

"Hey there"Yoru said as he greeted me while his other teammate was tailing  behind him.

"Great Job that you passed there"I teased him.

"What?You think we won't pass?!"He said angered

"Nikita who are they?"Sakura asked me.

"Hi there"Yoru waved at Sakura and Sakura blushed.

I just raised an eyebrow at her but shrug it off.

"So this is-"I was cut off as a certain Ongaku blurted his name.

"Hi I am Yoru Ongaku"He said cheerfully and waved his hand eagerly.

"I am Yoshino Ongaku"Yoshino said and smiled.

"Kaito Ongaku"Kaito the quiet guy said.

"And you guys are?"Yoru asked.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki and I'll be the future Hokage"

"Hi I am Sakura Haruno"

"Uchiha Sasuke"

Nikita of the Kiriyu[Naruto Fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now