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In every dream is a warning that someone shows to warn you something of the future.They say it is a chance to change the future.

Many believe that for they have experienced it but I never did and I never will that is how I say it but sometimes I wonder,can it be true?

It was late in the evening as I walk upon the roads of Konoha..

As I walk I was confused as to why Konoha was quiet.I just shrug it off like the lazy girl I am until the land I stand upon shook and that is when I glanced around.

No one was there.

I then pick up the pace and ran through roofs.I was ready to save lives but then as I ran something slimy halt my feet .

I then faced my back and was shocked to see pools of snake climbing up my body.

The picture of the snaked scared me unconsciously as I shook in fear.The snake's eyes are shining with red blood light.As I stared at it I was transported to a place filled with darkness.

I then called out.

"Hello?"I asked confused but my voice echoed within the dark void.

I then started walking slowly as I shook in fear.

What is this feeling?

Why am I so scared?

As my feet travelled I then gathered up all my courage and activated my eyes.I was scared to what I might see.


My eyes only saw darkness as if something is blocking my vision.

I then gave up using my Trump card as I continue upon walking but then my feet kicked something as it made a clanking voice.I then bent down and let my hands touch the unknown object.

It was cold.

As I brought it upon my vision I saw a forehead protector but it has slash on the Konoha sign.

It means it's a rogue ninja..

But then as I put my gaze in front of me I saw a boy with raven hair as he wears a blue shirt with something I can't see clearly painted on his shirt.

My curiosity took the most of me as I catch upon the walking boy.

"Wait!"I called him but he continued walking.

As I ran I saw it already

It's the Uchiha Clan Symbol.

Then one boy appeared in my mind.

"Sasuke!!!!!"I called out but a snake blocked me and I was shocked.

"Nikita!Nikita!"A voice called out as I then sat up..

"Nikita?"A voice asked me as I breath unevenly completely shook at what I saw.

"Hey Nikita are you okay?"A voice asked with a worried tone.

I then faced the source of the voice and saw my three teammates staring at me worryingly.

"Hey!"Naruto said to me but I only wear a blank face.

But then something poked my forehead that woke me up on my daze.

"Hey Satomi are you okay?"The Uchiha I dreamt about asked me and my heart beats fast as my face become flustered.

"I am okay"I said and touched my forehead and he blushed and that got me confused.

I mean WHAT?

As I glanced around I then saw the three of them okay.

I then sigh.We are still in the middle of exam.We are enemies but I helped them.

Now I can't be a burden for them.

I then stand up but wobble at first but I caught my balance as I Stand firm and faced them.

"I should go now"I said and smiled at them as I bid farewell.

I thought they were going to intervene but they just gave me an understanding look.

I then started walking..

"Wait"Sakura said so I halt..

"Thank you"She said and I just smirked and raised my hand and started walking (unknowingly a pair of onyx eyes was following my movements as he sigh.)

I then continued approaching the tower until I remember the dream.

Was that really Sasuke?

I then shook my head.

No it was just a dream and a dream it will stay.

I then saw many ninja surrounding the tower.I can't fight in my situation.
I am also sure that traps are around the tower.I then thought out everything to make a plan until.

A jutsu comes in my mind.

I then focused as I did the handsign and muttered to myself

"Wind Teleportation"I said and I was now in front of the gate as I pant in exhaustion.

I then go inside until I saw a writing.

I then read the writing thoroughly and understand what it meant.

I then opened both scroll at the same time and a puff revealed as my so called guardian,Kakashi appeared.

"So I see you passed"He said and I nod as my body becomes tired.

"Can I rest now?"I asked as my body collapsed and watched me.

"What happened?"He asked worryingly.I can't answer him as I don't have any energy anymore.

I then closed my eyes as I give in to the darkness calling me.

What a exhausting exam...

Nikita of the Kiriyu[Naruto Fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now