Game Over

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Every shinobi has a will and desire to be a chunin in this exam.

I really got a heart attack at that moment as I remember the Uchiha.


How can he be so reckless?

(I skip Sasuke's fight because it's too much of a hassle)

As the crowd calm down after the first fight our attention was then diverted to the technology who will decide our opponent.

As the letters take random names my gut tell me my fight would be such an interesting one.

The letters was then clear in the technology as the Jonin announced the contestants for the second match.

"Yoshino Ongaku
Nikita Satomi"

"How troublesome".I said as I got infected by the infamous line of Shikamaru and Sakura looked at me weirdly.

"You sound like Shikamaru"She said and I shrugged.

"Go get 'em Nikita!!!!"Naruto shouted as I landed gracefully on the arena.I know,what a show-off I am.

"Oh how it brings back memories"She said as a glimpse of our first encounter flashes in our eyes

"Indeed"I said.

"But now we fight for ourselves hm?"She asked and I smirk.

I then summoned my light sword as she took out a Koto just like how I summon it.

"Let the match *cough* begin" The coughing Jonin announced as I Stand still and summoned two kage bunshin.

I don't know a thing about her power since I never saw her fight.

We stared at each other as we size up each other in a serious gaze.

I then let my clones attack.

The two clones attack her as she dodge every punch and kick the clones delivered  until she gave me a knowing smirk and killed the clones with taujutsu.

Damn it.

She's more intelligent than I know.She knows I am just testing her abilities.

"That's it Satomi?Hm?"She asked.

"Hn"I used the Uchiha language their.

I then made multiple handsign too fast that even the Jonin was amazed that I can weave handsign at a fast pace.

"Katon:Fireball Jutsu"I said as I breath out a humongous fireball that approached her way.

There was no time to dodge for the fireball was approaching fast like lightning.

As the smoke disperse my mouth twitched to an amused smirk as I started at her technique laid clearly in front of me.

"At last"I said.

Their in her place is a dome like filled chakra that cut the fireball in half.

She then pant...

"You got me their....Hm"She grinned at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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