Chapter 3

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The next morning, Thalia opened her eyes as the sunlight blinded her vision. The ceiling looked different than her own room back at home, making her wonder for a minute.

Thalia rose up from the bed, looking around the room with her eyes. It had hit her that last night's events were real. The loss of her parents, the king allowing her to stay here, becoming friends with the princess and the mysterious knight.

Thalia let out a sigh as her feet met the floor. She opened the drawers, seeing some clothes in it. She pulled a dress out, feeling impressed that it was just the right size. She looked down at her own clothes, seeing that it was all wrinkled and covered in dirt. She couldn't believe she slept in that.

Thalia threw her old clothes into a small laundry basket she had found near the drawer, changing into the new dress. It was the perfect fit and it felt rather comfortable.

Peeking outside of the room, Thalia looked left and right to see that no one was there. Slowly coming out of her room, she made her way down the long hallway, attempting to find Link and Zelda.

As Thalia was walking down the hallway, she spotted both Zelda and Link, letting out a sigh of relief that they were not too far. She picked up the pace with a smile on her face. "Link! Zelda!"

The two turned around, seeing Thalia catching up to them. Zelda gave her a smile. "Good morning, Thalia. Did you sleep well?"

Thalia didn't want to admit that she cried almost the whole night, but didn't want to lie. "Somewhat, since I was thinking of my parents..."

Zelda's smile turned into a frown. "I'm so sorry about that..."

For the first time, Link spoke up. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Thalia blinked as she was surprised by Link's sudden voice. She gave both of them a small smile. "Thank you..."

Zelda grabbed both of her hands. "We were just heading towards your room to call you down for breakfast! But it looks like you came to us instead!"

"Yeah... I was actually trying to find the two of you. I don't know my way around the castle just yet."

"That's understandable. You only just got here last night."

Link nodded. "You'll get used to it eventually."

As the two of them were making her feel welcomed, Thalia smiled warmly. "Thank you for your kind words." Her stomach started to growl, making her blush. "So... When's breakfast?" Zelda and even Link started to laugh as the two were leading Thalia towards the dining room.

After breakfast, Zelda and Link took Thalia to where the king was. King Rhoam has his hands behind his back, looking at Thalia. "How is your stay so far, Thalia?"

Thalia gave King Rhoam a soft smile. "Everyone has been really nice to me. I'm slowly feeling like this is my new home."

"That's good to hear. I must ask this of you..." The king paused for a moment. "What was the purpose of you and your parents being out during the blood moon?"

The mention of her parents struck Thalia's heart. "Both of my parents are cooks, and they were called for business at another town. They always take me with them so I can learn and experience."

"So I take it that you know how to cook as well?"

"Yes, but not as well as them. I'm still learning, but I know how to prepare quite a few dishes."

"I see. I ask this, because I would like for you to attend to something while living here. I was thinking you would like to train to be a knight like Link. But I figured it's much too dangerous for you, so I had to indirectly ask what you are good at."

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