Chapter 13

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My heart drops to my ass as I hear the explosion followed by her scream. I let out a holler to the members to mount up and we race towards her cabin. Everyone is enamoured of the new Doctor, she's a sister to them. I swallow hard, gas the throttle; she's more than a sister to me, a love interest I want to claim. I'm not sure what's more beautiful about her, what's on the inside or the outside. Despite her scars, mental and physical, she's a warrior, strong and captivating.

Gravel gets tossed as the mass of bikes turn into her driveway and onto her lawn, dirt launches as clouds of disarray skyward. Astonished to be met with her once welcoming cabin ablaze, eaten alive by the greed of fire. Her car is destroyed, completely torched, red paint seared with black char. I kick my leg over my bike as orders spill from my lips, working to organize a search party. Deacon makes a call to the fire department. Barking breaks into my awareness and I turn as Lily races around the house, alternating between harsh barks and nervous whines.

Lily circles me, whining nervously; she grabs the chain on my wallet and tugs. I take large steps and spare a glance over my shoulder, Digger and Snake follow close. A loud crack of a shot has us dropping to a crouch and removing our own weapons. The scream that follows forces a curse past my tense lips, I pick up the pace. I'm greeted with a sight that makes my heart stutter to a stop. Angel propped against a tree, her head hangs limply, her scrub top pressed to her stomach. Hulk stands partially over her legs as Dozer cowers beside Angel, attempting to hide behind her, I ignore precautions and run to her.

I drop to my knees, horrified as I take in her bruised and lacerated form. Blood drains from the wounds; below her right knee, her leg is twisted, bone exposed. "Shit, call Henry! I want his ass to meet us." Her pale skin and blue lips worry me. I ease my arms under her frigid form and wince when I'm greeted with a distressed moan. "I'm sorry, Doll, I've got you now." Choked up, I whisper to her, her dogs follow along, each of them emit anxious whines; they know something happened to their Mom. Snake jogs ahead and gets the van moving it closer, Digger opens the back door for me. I climb in the back and release a whistle to her dogs, calling them in.

Applying pressure to the largest laceration across her stomach; the three dogs jump into the back. Digger slams the door shut and slaps his hand against the metal body, Snake takes the signal and gets onto the road. Digger stays back to watch over operations; this is a fucking shit show. Another curse slips out under my breath. "Someone ain't too happy with her." Snake announces that earns him a frosty glare.

"No shit Sherlock; who got loose with her name?" This has Night Wolves' name all over it. Snake can't respond as he pulls into the compound. Henry already has the clinic doors perched open and operation room ready. At least he still listens. I carry her to the table and turn without another word, letting the door slam behind me. Dozer whines and shakes as he sits by Lily, Hulk growls, watching me carefully. They aren't the only ones worried about their Mom.

Hours pass while Angel is in surgery, a storm continues to brew and strengthen within. Shit went down and I'm livid. As I stand in recovery's doorway, I stare at her small pale form smothered by her dogs. "How did they find her?" I glance between Digger and Snake, waiting for an answer. Whoever caused this will pay, I'll make sure they are driven through hell and back.

"We don't know Axel. When she first arrived, we made sure everyone understood the need to keep her name obscure. When someone called her, they used Doc, that's what we told them." I growl as I drive my fist into the wall, earning a snarl from Hulk. I flex my fingers before I forced my hand through my hair, agitated. My chest aches as I stare at Angel's form, she looks so damn fragile.

"Work an investigation; I want answers and I want them yesterday. I want to know who's called her to get here. How many times; run traces on their calls, their bank accounts. Get this figured out." I growl and turn away from them, silently dismissing them.

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