My Guardian

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After the dust settles from taking down two one percent MC's everything seems to have relaxed, for the most part anyways. Axel still trails after Angel as if she is ready to disappear into thin air, of course after the little plan she hatched most everyone is. The little spit fire of a girl still managing to bring a new light to the compound; after a month another secret falls from her lips. This one a cause for celebration, the creation of life is always a gift.

Sarah is from New York City, on a whim, she decided to go for a surprise road trip. Her career came to a screeching halt after her boss wanted more than just a secretary. In the meantime, she takes the long haul drive to try and figure out what she truly wants with her life. Her parents spent so much time coddling her younger sister, she wants nothing more than to just do something for herself. Is that so bad?


It is finally here, the next installment in the Hell's Reaper's series - Snake's story, My Guardian. The drop date will be on Thanksgiving day, I'd love to hear feed back, what are your thoughts?

I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped me grow as an amateur writer, this story has helped me learn so much. Everyone who has left comments, voted, and even read this story has done so much to help me evolve my writing ability. I know I am not the best - I have a lot of improvement to make, it means a lot to see a lot of good feed back, even criticizing feedback has helped me. 

I love all my readers <3 Can't wait to hear your feed back.

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