Chapter 13

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I can't help but eye her hips while she walk infront of me. I don't know if she's doing this on purpose or not but if she is, she's succeeding.

The choreographer started teaching us the steps and routines. Hyuna noona's songs and dance steps are a bit provocative and I can't help but just be distracted at how Miah moves following the choreographer.

The lyrics in this song makes me realize that our situation somewhat resembles it.

"Jimin? Are you okay? You seem to be off the beat," the choreo asked.

Miah eyed me with an intense look. Oh no you're not doing this to me. I returned her stare with a more intense look and saw her gulp making me smirk.

"I'm okay," I said nodding.

Two can play the game Miah and I think I'm better at it.

We started dancing the 4 routines and got perfectly in sync. I know my hyungs are watching us and so does her brother but I can't help but just get back at her.

Every touch and breaths keeps us both high in need and I can feel her skin wake as I touch her.

So I do affect her too. I looked at her eyes and they're now filled with need. Her chest heaving not because of the dancing but because of how her body aches for me and I'd be lying if I say I'm not feeling the same thing.

She just keeps on licking and biting her lips while we watch ourselves move in sync in the mirror making me uncomfortable in my pants.

Just as the next step comes, I have the chance to whisper to her.

"Gemanhae Miah or I'll be forced to take you here," I whispered in a dark tone and heard her gasp.

We continued to learn the following routines as we go. Our desire for each other building up intensly and we both knew what we want.

She keeps eyeing me and I do the same. How have I become so horny just by dancing?

When the same step came, I again whispered at her gripping her hips tightly.

"I'm not ending this day without me inside you,"

"Will you stop it?" she hissed at me.

"Don't deny your body of what it's craving for," I answered her purposely blowing air in her ear.

I pulled out and can see her face turn red.

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