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Keel's Pov

"Ugh must he be so obnoxious?"  I thought out loud as Zach was sitting over talking to a group.

"Someone didn't filter very well." Ivy says

"Oh shit. Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes, yes you did."

"Damnit, Ivy you're supposed to stop me from doing that."

"Sis I can't always do that. I can only do so much."


"Did you just Grr me hoe?"


She rolls her eyes.

Ivy and I are not only sisters but best friends.

She's a couple years older than me, but we're still pretty close.

Ivy knows I can't stand Zach.

She thinks it's because I like him.

I don't.

He just really manages to get on my nerves often.

He's got quite the talent for it.

He thinks it's funny.

Zach and I aren't best buddies but we tolerate each other for the sake of our group.

Zach, Jack, Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn, Ivy, and I all hang out.

Ivy and Jonah have a thing for each other and neither one of them will act on it.

The funny thing is, we all know that they like each other, we've been trying to put them together for at least a year now.

I'm pretty sure they know too, they just won't become official.

Corbyn has his girlfriend, Jack and Daniel do whatever.

I do my own thing too.

I mean I don't really have time for boys.

They're all pretty stupid.

Being one of the youngest out of our group comes with having 4 older siblings, even though only one of them is real.

Not to mention that they can all be pretty protective.

I don't mind though.

They keep me from getting hurt.

I can handle on my own, but it's nice to see that they all care so much.

"When are you and Jonah gonna make it official?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh please this has gone on for so long. Everyone knows that you like one another make a freaking move already."

"Yeah I will when you do with Zach."

"I don't like him like that and you know that. He picks on me and stuff and I can't stand him."

"He picks on you, because he likes you."

"Oh don't give me that bullshit."

"But it's true."

"This is why we have issues. People tell us when a guy teases us he likes us and and it's a bunch of crap."

"Okay. Okay. Keep denying it for now."

Zach waltzes over.

"What are you two talking about?"


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