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Jonah's Pov

Us guys are sitting in a circle in a room.

It's funny how we all almost always go into a circle.

"I really don't get why she's such a bitch." Zach says

He always manages to find some way to bring her name up.

"You know you always manage to bring her up. Are you positive you don't like her? Cause you sure talk about her." I say

"But she is. And no I don't like her. It drives me mad. She drives me mad."

"Zach there must be something there. You don't really hate her." Corbyn says

"How would you know?"

"Dude you're never like this with anyone. You have to at least care about her." Corbyn adds

"Remember when we all went to Holiday World and she somehow sprained her ankle? You wouldn't leave her side." Daniel says

"It doesn't mean anything."

"Dude you stayed by her when we would go out and helped her with stuff." Jack adds

"You know I'd get in trouble if I didn't. You know how my mom is."

"Your mom wasn't with us everywhere. You did it all on your own bro." Corbyn says

"Why can't you just admit that you have some type of feelings for her?" I question

"Because I don't."

I give him a look.

"Because it's so complicated."

"How is it complicated? You either like someone or you don't." Jack blurts

"There's more to it."

"You guys used to be inseparable at one point. What happened?" Daniel asks

"I don't even remember. It's too late now."

"That's a lie and you know it." Corbyn argues

"Okay fine then, it just doesn't matter. She doesn't like me and I don't like her." Zach huffs

"If that's what helps you sleep at night." I say

He rolls his eyes.

"When are you gonna step it up with Ivy?" Zach shoots

"What are you talking about?" I raise my brow

"Either you're together or you're not. You both know you like one another. Everyone knows you like one another. So which is it?" He replies

"Why does it matter?"

"You're the one who started in on me with Keel. If you can't take it don't dish it."

"Yes I like her. I really don't know what we are. We've never really talked about it. I presume we're together but we've never said anything about it. And you know it's different."

"Yeah. okay."

"You know what?"

I pause because what do Ivy and I have to do with the two of them?

"What do Ivy and I have to do with you and Keel?"

"I'm just saying, you two haven't done anything." Zach starts

"Ivy and I have nothing to do with the two of you. So don't go putting this back on us."

Why can't they just let us do things on our own?

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