Twenty Six

17 2 0

Keel's Pov

Before I know it, we're home.

I hope they stay for a bit.

Ivy and I grab our bags then drag them inside.

Zach tries to take my bag from me.

"No, thanks. I can do it." I say

"I don't mind helping."

"I got it."

"I know you do."

I grin.

It was nice of him to offer but I do have it.

Then again I suck at accepting help.

I mean my bags aren't all that heavy either.

I take our dirty laundry to the laundry room.

I go ahead and start a load of it.

I'm sure we have more to wash later.

"Is anyone hungry?" I ask

"We could probably eat something before we head out," Corbyn says

"Tyler said we have to meet no later than 6:30. So we have a little bit of time." Daniel says

Tyler is always getting on them about being late.

"I can fix something so we don't have to go out and get things," Ivy suggests

"I can help too." I offer

Ivy and I disappear into the kitchen to start on food.

We decide on making tacos but then also having stuff for nachos in case anyone wants them.

About a half hour or so later everything is all ready to go.

We call out that food is ready.

The boys come tearing into the kitchen.

Everyone fixes a plate and then we all sit down and enjoy our food.

After everyone is done we move into the living room.

Zach, Jack, and I end up on the couch.

Ivy and Jonah end up in one of the chairs.

And Corbyn and Daniel end up finding spots too.

We talk about our favorite things from this weekend's trip.

"Sorta sucks how you guys have to leave tonight," I say

"You two could come with us," Jack suggests

"I start my new job here," Ivy says

Wow, I really hope we don't spoil this.

"Do you really need a job?" Jack questions

"Jack! You can't just say that!" Corbyn says

"She's excited about it. And if she wants to work then she should be able to." Daniel adds

"Okay but it's music related. There are so many jobs like that out in LA." Jack argues

"Look, dude, we're all gonna miss them both," Daniel says

"You guys are also getting ready to have so much to do with work too. But we're really gonna miss you all," I say

"You guys also just spent a whole weekend with us." Ivy laughs

"And phones are still existent," I add

This earns a laugh from everyone.

"Are you guys all packed?" Ivy asks

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