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Daniel's Pov

Ivy, Keel, and I are chilling in the lazy river.

This really is the life.

We float and have some random conversations but we're careful on what we discuss cause of the people around.

"It's crazy to think how ya'll have made it so big. We always knew you'd get somewhere with it, but didn't know you'd be as big as you are." Keel says

"Yeah it's crazy, but I'm really thankful for it all. I'm thankful I get to have job that I love so much. I get paid to do what I love most."

"I mean our teacher did always say 'If you love your job, you will never work a day in your life.' Guess he was right." Ivy adds

"Yeah he sure was."

"I hope I get that lucky." Keel says

"Yeah me too." Ivy says

"Knowing the both of you, you will." I assure them.

"Thanks Daniel." Ivy says

"You always seem to know what to say." Keel adds

"I don't but I try."

"So you've been working on a few projects right?" Ivy asks

"Yeah. The first thing comes out next month actually. And then another comes out in October I think."

"We get in on it first right?" Keel asks

I give her a look.

"Of course. What kinda question is that?" I laugh

"Just making sure Seavey."

"When have we not showed you guys things?"

"He's got a point. I mean we also knew right after their parents that they were getting signed." Ivy backs me up

"You're right." Ke says

"You two are two of our bestfriends. Not to mention a little more to some of us. Why wouldn't we?"

Keel splashes toward me.

"I'm not wrong and you know it." I joke


"Speaking of which. Dish."

"What are you talking about?"

I shoot her a look and then she knows what I'm talking about.

She sighs.

"It might be worth a shot but not a rush."

"That's still a start! Wow I'm so proud of you!"

This earns me another splash.

"You can't say anything."

"Oh buddy I don't even have to."

"Seavey I swear."

"Calm down. I'm not going to."

Now to pick on Ivy to make it even.

"So how are things?"

"What do you mean?"

"You STILL haven't done anything about it?"

"We're just chilling."

"You two are something lemme tell ya."

"You just love to meddle. Don't you?"

I gasp fake offended.

"I do not. Does it ever get back to them? No. It doesn't cause I'm one of the good ones."

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