Twenty One

14 2 0

Zach's Pov

I put in a request for an Uber.

New message from Keel🤪: Ready when you are.

New message to Keel🤪: Okay so there's been a change in plans.

New message from Keel🤪: ....

New message to Keel🤪: We're still going paintballing, but we're getting an Uber. The others are gonna figure out something to do and if we get into anything where we need to leave we get us another Uber or call them and we come back here.

New message from Keel🤪: Okay. That sounds good.

There's a knock at our door.

It's Keel.

"Ready?" I ask


"Let us know if you guys need anything." Daniel says

"Pretty sure we'll be fine, but thanks." I say

And with that we make our way down to the elevator.

"Did you look up a paintball place?" She asks

"I have a place in mind."

She gives me the look.

"Okay we can figure something out."

"Gee it's like I know you or something."

"Nope. We're complete strangers."

"Oh definitely."

We start laughing as we make our way to the lobby.

"Uber should be here soon. But let's figure out where we're going." I say

She takes my phone from my hands and types on the keyboard then makes a few more taps here and there.

"Got it."

"Wow you're good at this."

"Well when ya live with Ivy you learn a thing or two."

"She can't be that bad."

"She's not. We've just learned things."

She found a place that is like 15 minutes away from here.

Our Uber driver notifies us that they're here.

We head in the direction to meet our Uber.

"Where to?" The driver asks

"Here." Keel says showing the driver the paintball place.


And with that we're off.

She finally decides to hand me back my phone.

"Wasn't sure if you were gonna give it back." I joke

"I was debating."

"Uh huh."

An idea pops in my head.

"Come here."

"What? Why?"

I open Snapchat.

"Ew no."

"Why not?"

"Because I look gross."

"No you don't."

"Yeah I do."

"No you don't."

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