Thirty Eight

12 1 0

Keel's Pov

It was suggested that we go swimming so now V and I are on the hunt to see if we left anything here.


"So what?" I ask

"How was this morning?"

"It was pretty nice honestly. We went to breakfast and then we hit some of the shops. I even played a little today."

"That sounds really nice. Wait you played?"


"You haven't done that in such a long time."

"I know. It felt pretty good. Zach was surprised too."

She chuckles.

"He insisted on getting bracelets too." I show her the bracelet.

"Awe that's so cute! And that's gotta help because it's something more than just a hair tie."

"That's what he said too. The lady gave us necklaces too, but you know how I am. I feel bad but I probably won't wear it much."

"That's still so sweet! And this was all his idea? I'm impressed that he convinced you."

"It wasn't too hard surprisingly. So how's your morning been?"

"Well, Jack and Corbyn wanted to hang out so Jack thought it'd be a good idea to teach me fortnite. Jonah has been reading all day. And then Daniel has been doing his own thing."

"Ah, that sounds swell."

"Yeah, Jack told Jonah that he has to share. It was funny."

I can't help but laugh.

"Okay, but for real if we have our swimsuits here... where would they be?"

"I don't really know. But I know who might."

We walk down the hall.

This time I knock on the door.

"Just a sec."

Within 30 seconds the door opens.

"What's up?"

"So we thought that we'd go swimming but we didn't bring anything. Did we leave any of our swim stuff here?" V asks

"Oh, so I'm the keeper of everyone's stuff?"

"Not everything. You just have your life a bit more together." I say

"It's not as put together as you think it is." He says

"So do you know if we left anything or where it'd be?" I ask

He squeezes past us and makes his way to the closet in the hallway.

He starts moving things around.

After about 3 minutes he finds a box.

He hands the box over.

"Here ya go."

I open the box and it's all of V's stuff.

"Well V's good."

Jonah does some more shuffling around and finds another box.

He hands it over.

I open it up and it is, in fact, my stuff.

"Thank you sir" I beam

"No problem."

He gets up and turns to go back to his room.

"Are you gonna join us?" V asks

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