Twenty Three

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Daniel's Pov

Since Zach and Keel were gonna go out and spend the day together the five of us are gonna do something.

I'm glad that they're spending a lot of time together honestly.

We all are.

They're so cute together honestly.

It was only a matter of time before they finally decided to let themselves be happy.

They both have such good hearts and so much love to give.

Zach and Keel just left.

"Alright so what are we doing today?" I ask

"Is it gonna be the five of us or are Jonah and Ivy splitting from us too?" Corbyn asks

"Y'all should just hang out with us. I'm just saying." Jack adds

"That's what I figured we'd do honestly but it's gonna suck when everything starts back up.." Jonah says

"It'll work out man. Technology has come a long way. There's FaceTime and so many other things." Corbyn assures

"Eh I'm not worried. I just kinda wish we'd started this sooner. And we haven't talked about if we're going to be able to be us in public. You all know how it is. Anytime we're seen breathing next to someone of the opposite gender we're automatically dating. And sometimes people are so nasty. I know we try not to feed into or pay attention to it, but we do see it."

"Since when do you care about what people think bro?" Jack asks

"I don't."

"Then why does it matter what they say? A relationship is two people. Two. No one else gets a say. You both should just be yourselves. It's a conversation ya'll get to have together. Do what you're comfortable with." Jack adds

"If you're happy, who cares?" I tell him

"You guys are right. Thanks guys."

"That's what we're here for." Corbyn assures

"There's no way that both of these ships are gonna sink. And if they somehow do, we'll still be here." I add

We all laugh a little.

"So what do we wanna do today?" Corbyn asks

"Let's try an escape room!" Jack suggests

"Honestly that sounds fun." I say

"I'm down." Corbyn adds

"Guess I'm in, and Ivy probably will be too."

"Okay so after the escape room are we doing food? Or food before?" Jack questions

"Could grab something before. That way we're more focussed." Corbyn suggests

"What are we doing after escape room?" Jonah questions

"We could come back here and swim." I offer

"Then if we all want tonight we could do skating?" Jack adds

"I know a place that sounds dope." Corbyn beams

"See this is good, we tire ourselves out and we sleep better." I add

"Hey it works." Jack and Corbyn say

"Alright and then are we doing like pizza for dinner?" I ask

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