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Jonah's Pov

As soon as Ivy got into our room she stole my blanket.

I tried to trade with her and she doesn't understand the whole thing of trading.

After we finished our coffee and doughnuts Ivy curled up against me.

We're currently towards the end of Breakfast Club.

"I still can't believe that you haven't seen this until now." She teases

"I just haven't watched it."

"Well that's sad."

"What are we watching next?" Zach asks

"We should watch Sixteen Candles now. It's fitting cause Molly was in the last movie too. Not to mention it's a good movie anyways." Ivy blurts

No one has the heart to argue much so we end up starting that next.

"It's funny too. So it's fine."

She's cute.

She's also not wrong, because there's some really funny parts.

Especially the ones with the exchange student.

I glance over in Zach's direction and he's got his head rested in Keel's lap.

I don't think they're ready to admit it, but I have this feeling that they're gonna be that cute couple of the group.

The one that wasn't expected, but then really was.

They're just being them.

They're not trying to be anyone else.

And that's what's gonna help them last.

I hope Ivy and I last too.


Daniel's Pov

Today we decided to have a lazy/movie day.

Since we've been on the go for awhile it's pretty nice to have this.

To not have to do much of anything.

It also feels pretty great to be here with 6 of my bestfriends.

We keep trying to push out the fact that tours are coming up.

I feel bad for Zach, Keel, Jonah, and Ivy though.

It's hard enough just being friends and not being able to really see them while on tour.

They've all just ventured into a new area.

I feel bad, because it's not fair to them.

I mean it's probably going to suck a bit then.

Right now they can all see and talk to each other whenever they want.

Once tours start they have to plan around it.

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