Thirty One

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Zach's Pov

After I disconnect the call I go into my contacts and update Keeley's.

"So..." Jonah says


"Did you talk to her?"


"How'd that go?"

"I think it went well."

"So, you asked her?"

I nod

"And she said.."

I can feel the smile form on my face.

"She said yes?! That's great! I'm happy for you bro!"

"Thanks, dude."

"I'm surprised you guys didn't stay on the phone longer." He jokes

"We got to talking about school and she's not caught up. So I told her that I'm not going to talk to her until she gets caught up."

"Oh, good luck with that."

"She has to get caught up."

"Yeah, so do you, but we know that you're not gonna last that long with that whole not talking to her."

"She thought the same thing, but I can."

He raises his brow.

"I can."

Daniel starts laughing.

"Why do you all think that I can't?"

"Because we know how you are," Corbyn says

I shrug them off then walk off to go work on my homework.

My phone vibrates.

New message from Keel🌚❤: RUDE

New message from Keel🌚❤:  You didn't have to hang up on me! You brat!

New message from Keel🌚❤: See this isn't fair cause you're not caught up either!

New message from Keel🌚❤:  You can't keep this ignoring me thing up! We both know this!

New message from Keel🌚❤:  You're gonna crack! It's only a matter of time!

She then starts in with sending me random Gifs.

I refuse the urge to open the messages because then I know I can resist the urge to talk to her.

I begin to bury myself in my school work.

Maybe I'll get lucky and not only get caught up but ahead of the class.

Yeah, that'd be great.

I really don't care for english, because the teacher is always correcting my spelling. 

I'm sorry my spelling sucks.

Just so the teacher will leave me alone when I write papers I have one of the guys proofread.

Jonah is usually the one that helps the most.

If I have trouble with anything math or science related Corbyn is usually my go-to for help.

It helps tons.

I'm very thankful for them all honestly.

My phone begins to vibrate again.

New message from Keel🌚❤:  You suck. I hope you know that. I'm super bored. 

It's fine, she needs to get caught up.

8 LettersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora