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Jack's Pov

So far we've watched The Grinch, Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, and we're in the middle of Mrs Doubtfire.

Today has been pretty successful so far.

None of us really felt like going back to the park.

Yesterday was a long day and I felt like we did everything.

No one argued against it.

We all needed a lowkey day, because we're always doing something.

Always gotta be somewhere by a certain time.

It's been nice to not have to follow the same routine.


Zach's Pov

About halfway through we break out the snacks.

Something to help hold us over until dinner.

Daniel found grapes.

He keeps tossing grapes over at Jonah.

"Quit." Jonah makes a face

He tosses a few more in his direction.

"Daniel quit it."

"I'm sharing."

"Daniel you know I don't like grapes. So quit."

"You're gonna be the one picking all of those up since you're the one who threw them." Corbyn states

"It's not my fault he's not catching them." He jokes

"Dude stop throwing them." I speak up

He finally decides to listen and then picks up all the grapes he threw.

"See I could probably get away with that cause I'm technically the baby. You're second oldest." I tease

"You're almost 18, basically a grown man. So no." Daniel shoots back

"I didn't say I could for sure get away with it, I said I'd have a better chance."

"Okay children, knock it off." Jack steps in

I look over and Ivy has goldfish, which she's very happy to have.

She occasionally shares.

Keel and I have made some kind of trail mix type thing, because we couldn't decide what we wanted.

Mrs. Doubtfire ends.

"Next?" I call

"Jumanji." Someone suggests

"Anyone disagree?"


I start up the next movie.

"It's been really nice to not have to be on the go today." Keel whispers

"Yeah, I've enjoyed it too." I whisper back

She's now laying in my lap.

I don't think I'll ever say it out loud, but I love these moments.

I love how we can just be ourselves.

Wow I really love my bestfriends.


Corbyn's Pov

"Wanna tell me why you decided to throw food across the room at Jonah?" I whisper to Daniel

"Grapes demand to be thrown. They're not that messy."

"It's rude to throw food in general Daniel."

"I don't know I figured he'd at least catch them. He doesn't play right."

I've come to the conclusion that he was bored and that just so happened to be what he thought was the cure.

He may be the third oldest out of us 5 guys but sometimes he does some really weird things.

I mean we all have our moments.


Keel's Pov

Someone suggested we watch Jumanj next so that's what Zach starts.

We couldn't decide what we wanted so we made this trail mix type thing.

We even decided to share.

Today's been fun.

I don't know how many more days like this we have left until they have to go back on tour.

I don't really wanna think about it, because that's when I won't see 5 of my bestfriends.

Ivy doesn't count cause she's my sister I'll see her all the time.

We're also not gonna be those people who go on tour with them.

But perhaps we could surprise them at a show or two.

Ivy mentioned something about starting classes soon anyways.

I've also found out that I sorta like to lay on people.

I ended up laying up against Zach throughout most of these movies.

What makes this even better is they're not tormenting us about any of it anymore.

I tilt my head up to look at him.

A smile spreads across his face.

Maybe, just maybe this could actually work.

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