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Ivy's Pov

We make it back up to the rooms.

Ke is asleep when I get in.

My phone vibrates and lights up.

New message from J🥰: Hot tub?

My muscles could probably use it.

New message to J🥰: I wanna check on Ke first and make sure she's good.

New message from J🥰: Okay. Figured you would. Is that a yes then?

New message to J🥰: Yeah. I'll meet you down there.

New message from J🥰: Okay.

I throw my phone on the charger.

I walk over to the bed.

I shake her slightly.


"Ke. We're back. How ya feeling?"


"Good. Are you hungry? Do you think you could eat anything? Need a drink or something?"

"I'm good right now. Zach got me crackers and sprite."

"Oh. Okay. Do you need anything then?"

"No I'm good. Just sleep."

"Okay. I'm gonna head down to the hot tub then. I'll have my phone if you need something."


And with that I then put on my coverup and flip flops before grabbing my phone and head down to the pool area.

Before I head out the door I pause.

"Ke. Lemme know if you need anything."


"Love you."

"Love you."

And with that I make my way down to the hot tub.

When I get down there it's just Jonah.

He's got his back towards the door and he seems focused looking out the window.

I try to sneak in without him catching me.

I leave my slides over with his stuff.

I then step down into the hot tub.

"How is she?"

"She's good. Feeling better. I guess Zach got her some crackers and sprite. She just wanted to sleep."

"That's good."

"Yeah. Where's the other four?"

"Zach and Corbyn decided to stay up in the room, and the other two wanted to workout, but said they'd probably join after."

"Workout?" I raise a brow

"I don't question things." He laughs

"We just spent all day at a themepark."

"I don't question much."

"I'm really glad we did this."

"So am I."

"Before long it's gonna get harder to do this."

"Doesn't mean it'll be impossible."

"Yeah I know, just harder. And then eventually you guys will have another tour of some sort. You know how it is."

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