Twenty Two

13 2 1

Keel's Pov

Zach and I have spent all day together.

Just the two of us and it's been pretty nice honestly.

It's only like 3:30 so there's still more of the day left.

So I guess anything could happen.

Ivy and the rest of the boys must've found something to go do.

Whatever they decided on, they're still not back.

I'm so thankful that we didn't really get mobbed today.

The other people at the place didn't seem to notice or care and I really do love that for us.

The whole Uber thing really wasn't all that bad.

I mean I'm used to it all by now.

It's all a part of his job.

He's a normal guy, with an abnormal job that he loves.

I think it's really sweet that he did that.

I see things on Twitter and such where fans go wild because one of the boys said something or interacted with them in some way.

A lot of it is so pure and it's what they deserve.

Zach really needs to quit apologizing for everything.

It's not all his fault.

He doesn't have control over a lot of what he apologizes for.

I get how crazy things can be.

I don't need an apology for every little thing.

Guess we're both gonna help one another.

He said he wants me to see how beautiful I am.

I think I might be okay, but I would go as far as calling myself beautiful.

Ivy is though.

Ivy is beautiful.

I'm just okay, and that's okay with me.

But if he wants to try and show me otherwise I suppose I should let him try.

I honestly had a really fun time at paintball though.

I've got quite a few welts though.

Those hurt.

But it was so worth it.

I got the first few shots and I could not be prouder.

There were like two other groups there but neither of them bothered us.

We almost sorta had a moment too.

I was hiding behind one of the walls and he came up behind me and then spun me around and we both just kinda stared each other in the eye.

So if that counts we had a moment.

I can't help but to worry that if we ever do become official that we won't be able to be us out in public without something happening.

I've seen what they've done with some of the other girls that are just friends.

Hopefully they'll just be respectful.

I don't know why I'm freaking about all this when it doesn't even matter yet.

This is so stupid.

Ivy's right.

I'm over here psyching myself out.

I'm good at that.

I absolutely hate it.

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