
25 3 0

Keel's Pov


I cannot believe he came out and asked like that.

They were all right.

As we walk back a million thoughts are swimming in my head.

"Welcome back." Jack says

Each of the boys shoot him a look and he dismisses them all.

"Is anyone ready to eat something yet?" I ask

There's a mix of yeah, sure, and yes.

"Are we done over here for now?" Corbyn asks

"We could get something to eat then after we give it a little time to settle we can swim a little more." Daniel suggests

"And anyone who is done swimming can change if they want." Zach adds

"Sound fair?" I ask

We all agree and head over to get our wallets from the lockers.

We then walk to concessions.

Ivy has our money because I didn't wanna risk losing it.

I left my wallet in the safe at the hotel in the room.

"What are you wanting?" Ivy asks

"A pretzel maybe."

"Alright. Hey take Zach and go grab drinks for us? That way we don't have to buy them here."


"Zach what are you wanting? I'll get it for you." Jack says

"A pretzel and a nacho."


And with that Zach and I walk to one of the drink stations.

Surprisingly they have trays this time.

We grab a couple.

We start filling up cups.

"Should we get two each? That way we don't have to walk back for refills." Zach suggests

"Yes. Yes we should."

We finish getting everything then head back to the others.

Just in time too.

They just got to a table with everyone's food.

"Did you guys really just double up so you didn't have to walk back?" Daniel asks

"Work smarter, not harder." Zach says

"They're not wrong." Jack defends

We distribute drinks and food.

Ivy got me a pretzel with cheese and a slice of pizza.

She got couple things of nachos.

We sit there and make small conversations as we eat.

"I'm glad we decided to do this. I know it's gonna get harder to be able to be like this eventually so it's nice to enjoy it while we can." I say

Everyone agrees.

After about 45 minutes or so we're all done eating.

We clean up but stay at the table and wait a little for things to settle a little.

Corbyn decides to tell us facts and such about space.

He knows a ton.

He's super smart and it's sorta scary.

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