Twenty Five

20 2 0

Keel's Pov

I wake up to the sound of our alarm.


I don't wanna leave.

Leaving means goodbye.

I don't want to say goodbye.

"I'm so glad we packed everything last night," I say

"Yeah me too. You're not ready to leave are you?"

"I mean I sorta miss home, but as soon as we get home we have to say goodbye. I don't want to."

"Then let's not say goodbye."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's go to the house in LA."

"Ivy, what about the new job you're starting?"

"I'll figure something out."

"You were so excited to start there though."

"It'll be fine. There will be more things. And besides, there's more for us in LA."

"Okay, but we can't just go for the boys. That's not who we are. We're not those girls."

"We're not going for just the boys. And don't you like LA better?"

"Yeah, I do. But how are we gonna figure everything out?"

"We've got most of our stuff at the place in LA anyways. We'll be fine. We just gotta check in with mom and dad later. They like when we're there because there are more people to check in on us. Maybe they won't feel as bad for being gone for work."

"You're right. So are we just gonna fly out with them?"

"I mean we should go back home and take care of the trash and all that and grab what we want and repack. We could stay home and then catch a flight in the morning. Or mid-afternoon."

"So we're not telling them that we're coming back out to LA? Love that."

"Exactly. They'll love it too. Like we don't have to tell them until we get settled."

"Alright. Let's do it."

"Gotta double check on what time they're flying out, and we can get the one after."

We get ready and then double check we have everything.

"We should go down and get breakfast," Ivy suggests

"Yeah, and we can leave our stuff in here, cause I don't wanna carry things."

"Good point."

We make our way down to the breakfast area.

We grab us some food.

The boys already beat us down here, because they have a table already.

"I was just about to text you," Zach says setting his phone down

"That's funny," I say as I sit next to him

"Are you both all packed and everything?" Jonah asks

"Yep," Ivy responds.

"Who's driving back again?" Zach asks

"That would be me," Corbyn says as he raises his hand

A surprised look spreads across Zach's face as well as mine.

"What's that for?" Corbyn asks

"Just sorta surprised cause you don't usually drive," I say

"Still a better driver than Zach." he teases

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