Thirty Five

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Keel's Pov

"So have you figured out what we're gonna do yet?" I ask

"Well, we have to figure out where they're gonna be and when."

"Do you think they might go to Jo's and Corbyn's?"

"It's a possibility."

I have an idea now.

"Got an idea."

New message to Z🤠❤: So what are you guys up to tonight?

New message from Z🤠❤: I think we might be going to the Jonah's and Corbyn's for the weekend. We have the weekend off.

New message to Z🤠❤: That sounds nice.

New message from Z🤠❤: Yeah, definitely

New message from Z🤠❤: So what are you and V up to tonight?

New message to Z🤠❤: Might go to a movie

New message from Z🤠❤: That sounds great

New message to Z🤠❤: Yeah, we wanted to get out of the house

New message from Z🤠❤: I get how that is. It'll be nice for you to get out.

We continue to talk about random things.

"V I got something."

"What'd you find out?"

"They are going to Jo's and Corbyn's.

"Okay. Great, we can work with that!"

"So we could just show up there?"

"It's up to you."

"V, c'mon at least try and be helpful."

"I'm not helpful? My bad."

"You know what I mean. This isn't just for me. It's for you two as well."

"I'm not all that good with this."

"And you think I am?"

"Okay so are we going to tell them that we're moving back or are we just gonna wait a while until we tell them? Are we staying over at the house for the weekend?"

"What do you want to do V? We've already had dinner so like what all are we gonna do?"

"Okay fine. Let's find out when they're going to the house. Once we know they're there we can call them and they can find out we're there."

"Like those cheesy movies?"

"Do you have something better in mind?"


"Okay, but they're really not gonna care!"

"Eh, you're right."

So we decide to go with her idea.

We're both ready so we get in the car.

V lets me drive this time.

It's a fun time.

We head to the studio.

When we don't know where they are the studio is usually the best guess.

After about 15 minutes Jack, Corbyn, Daniel , Zach, and Jonah emerge and head to Jack's jeep.

"What do we do? Follow them?" V asks

"That works."

"Please don't make this suspicious. We don't need one of them calling the police on us."

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