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Zach's Pov

I wanna take Keel somewhere before we have to go back, but I'm worried about us getting caught up in fans again.

If I take Jonah and it might be easier.

Wait no. Cause no one knows about them yet either.

This irritates me.

I love our fans, don't get me wrong, but I have a feeling that the next time we run into them we won't be so lucky.

Last night we were.

It wasn't too many, but I'm sure word has gotten around that we're here.

Surprisingly I made it up for the last 45 minutes of breakfast.

I walk over to the girls' and room and knock on the door.

I'm still in my pjs but I don't really care.

Keel answers.


"Let's go grab breakfast."


"Let's go down and get breakfast."

"Okay let me get ready."

"You don't need to, you look fine."

"Says the boy who is also in his pjs."

"Yeah, and your point?"

She shakes her head then disappears back into the room.

Not even two minutes later she emerges with her phone in hand.

"Ready?" I ask

"Let's go."

We make our way down the hall and to the elevator.

Then we make it into the room for breakfast.

Keel heads straight for the waffle station.

I follow.

We fix a couple waffles then we grab some of the breakfast sandwiches, orange juice, and then head to a table.

"So what do you wanna do today?" I ask

"I don't know." She shrugs

I raise a brow.

"There's nothing you want to do?"

"I don't really have a preference."

"Wow that's so helpful."

"You know I'm not all that picky."



"Okay. When do you wanna go?"

"I mean we could go in like an hour. That way we have time to get ready."

"Okay. That sounds good."

We sit there and enjoy our breakfast.

"So you guys have summer shows coming up doing you?"

"Yeah I think so. The team wants to meet with us tomorrow to discuss our schedule."

"That sounds like fun. Are you excited?"

"Yeah. I think we all kinda are. The break has been nice though."

"That's totally understandable."

"It also means we gotta go back to LA though."

"Yeah. I know."

"Are you guys going out to your place out there too?"

"I don't know yet. Ivy and I haven't talked much about it."

"Well what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know honestly."

"Guess that's just a conversation you get to have to Ivy and your parents."

"Yeah. It is. I don't think they'll mind what we do though. I mean they're on that work trip. They just left."

"I almost forgot about that. They seem to be gone a lot. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry? It's not your fault. Ivy and I are fine."

"Yeah, but when I was away from my parents that sucked. I know it's not easy."

"We're fine."

"I didn't mean-"

"Zach it's fine."

"I'm sorry."

"You have got to quit apologizing. A lot of the things you apologize for you have no control over. It's all fine. Okay?"


We finish our breakfast and then we head back up to the rooms.

"Text me when you're ready?"

"Got it." She says

I walk into the room.

The guys are spread out through the room chilling.

"Where'd you go?" Corbyn asks

"Down to breakfast."

"That's fun." Corbyn says

"What's the plan for today?" Daniel asks

"I'm talking Keel paintballing."

"Paintball? That sounds dope!" Daniel exclaims

"Jack it's probably just for the two of them. Let's let them have their time. The rest of us can figure something out." Corbyn says

"Are you guys cool with that?"

"Yeah, totally. We just need to figure out how we're getting to wherever." Daniel says

"Keel and I can uber if we need to, and you guys can take the van."

"Are you sure?" Daniel asks

"Yeah we should be fine." I say

"Okay. If you're sure then, that's what we can do." Corbyn says

We finish sorting things out.

I then take a shower and get ready.

Once I'm all ready to go I wait for her to text me that she's ready.

Today should be fun honestly.

I'm excited.

I hope it all works out.

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