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Zach's Pov

We all decided to sleep in and when we wake up it's about 9:30.

I'm not sure what time breakfast is til.

None of us really know if the girls are awake so we really don't want to go down to breakfast without them.

"We should get doughnuts." Jack suggests

No one disagrees.

"Is there a place to get them around here?" Corbyn asks

"I'm sure we could find a Walmart or something." Jack says

Jonah has this look on his face.

"Yes we can get coffee." Daniel says

He grins.

None of us really wanna change, and we're all decent enough to go out as we are.

First we go grab the doughnuts.

We even find chips and a few other snacks as well as a few 2 Liters so we have something to drink later on.

Next we make our way to Starbucks.

We decide to do drive thru.

Since it's Corbyn's turn to drive he orders for us all.

I have him get Keel a venti vanilla iced coffee.

Jonah has him get Ivy one as well.

It takes them a few minutes to get everything together after we pay.

They give us 2 drink carriers.

Daniel holds one up front with him and one gets passed back to me.

And with that we're on our way back to the hotel.

"Where we setting up?" Corbyn asks

"Mine and Jonah's room?" Jack suggests

We all agree.

The doughnuts and coffees are out on the table.

"Someone go get the girls." Daniel says

"I will." I offer

I walk over to their room and knock on the door.

I wait a minute.

No answer.

I begin knocking again.

This time I knock until the door opens slightly.

"Come with me. We have gifts." I say

"What kind?" Ivy asks

"Don't ask questions. Both of you just come with me."

Keel comes out with her blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

Ivy follows.

I head over to grab Keel a doughnut and her coffee.

"Thank you." She smiles

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