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Ivy's Pov

We all made plans and then split up.

Jonah and I are headed to the Halloween part of the park.

I love the swings so much.

I just can't look down when we're up high.

It makes me dizzy.

Surprisingly there isn't much of a line.

And we only have to wait 5-10 minutes.

We were impressed.

The ride starts after about a minute or so.

We start spinning and climbing in height.

Don't look straight down.

Don't look straight down.

Don't look straight down.

As much as I may love this sometimes I can only handle a time or two.

This time after this ride I have to be done.

Once the ride is stopped we wait for the okay to get off.

"Okay where to?" I ask

"I got an idea."

We end up getting in line for the scrambler.

This line is also not too bad.

The two of us get put into one of the things by ourselves.

Which I'm very grateful for because I didn't want some stranger in with me.

The ride started up and began to toss us around within the cart.

I don't even bother trying to look around because I know I can't.

When the ride finally ends we exit the cart.

"I'm gonna need a second." I admit as I walk over to the bench.

"You're not gonna puke. Are ya?"

"Nah I'm good. All good."

I happen to spot Zach and Ke.

I motion in their direction.

"If you took her on it she for sure would."

"Oh yeah the motion sickness."

"And he's really dragging her to all the roller coasters."


"You'd think he'd get it by now."

"How long do you think she'll last before she can't ride anything else?"

"Hard to say. Depends on which ones they've been on."

I start to feel better.

"You better now?"

"Yeah. Let's go."

"Is there anything else in here you wanna do?"

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