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"Oh, yeah. Uh, come in." Bay breathed, as she stepped away from the door. Her half-sisters walked in and she shut the door behind them.

"This is a really nice house. It's nice to see Liv and Dad so happy..." Maureen smiled, as she looked at her sister. Lizzie was walking around and examining what her half-sister had done to her bedroom. While Olivia, Bay, and Elliot still lived in the apartment, every day Olivia or Elliot would drive Bay out here and they would paint the walls together. Her room was a very dull blue. She would've painted it black, but neither her mother or father would go for that.

"Yeah, I'm happy that they are happy." Bay breathed. She saw Lizzie pick up a picture that Bay had laying next to her bed and she turned and smiled.

"Liv really loves you." She spoke, and Bay frowned.

"I really wish she wouldn't waste her love on me. I don't deserve her. She is too good for me." Bay frowned. She walked over and leaned against her desk and looked at her very blonde sisters.

"So, what do we need to talk about?" Bay mused.

"How we've treated you in the past." Maureen frowned.

"Please stop right there. I have been such a horrible sister... well I walked into your house, and tried to be your sister, and took over your Dad. I'm sorry that I did that all. I really am."

"You have no reason to apologize, Bay!"

"How? I'm a really shitty person." Bay frowned as she sank down onto the fluffy rug on her floor.

"I wish that you would've pushed everything aside and came to talk to us," Lizzie spoke, as she sat on Bay's bed.


"You could've come and talked to us about how you were feeling. We could've helped. It's scary to think about going through everything alone."

"Liv saw me," Bay whispered, as she ran her hand over her face.

"Liv saw you?" Lizzie questioned.

"When I tried to kill myself. She was the only one home and Dad was with you all. She saw me. If I would've tried to tell you all, I'm sure that it wouldn't have worked out. I might've walked out in front of you...  I might've been apologizing to you too." Bay spoke. She stood up and walked over to where Maureen stood. She awkwardly stepped forward and hugged Maureen.

Bay was about to step back, but Maureen wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly.


Maureen, Lizzie, and Bay went downstairs together nearly half an hour after Olivia and Elliot called them down for dinner. The girls kept sniffling because they had started to cry together. Bay was crying because she had been accepted by two of her five siblings. Lizzie was crying because she had realized how stupid she had been. And Maureen was the proud older sister who took the first step into being apart of her sister's life. She took the first step to allow her family to heal, and she wanted to have Olivia and Elliot take their first step towards possible marriage and she could never say that she didn't want more siblings.

"You three are lucky that I saved you all some pizza. Your father and brothers almost ate a full pizza together." Olivia smiled, as the girls walked into the kitchen. Since there are so many kids, Olivia had picked out a dining table with benches instead of chairs so that they could fit more people. Bay sat right next to her mother and leaned her head against her shoulder. Olivia wrapped her ar around her daughter and kissed her dark brown hair gently.

"Good talk?" Olivia whispered, and Bay nodded.

"Yeah, I love you, Mom. Thanks for not giving up on me." Bay whispered before she reached for a piece of pizza.

"I never could." Olivia smiled.


Board games took over the night as soon as dinner was done. Bay hadn't realized that her parents and siblings were so competitive. Bay just sat and watched as they all played Uno together. Most of the time everyone was laughing and arguing but it was better than silence. She was thinking that because she wasn't playing Uno with everyone else, that that is why her siblings weren't hating on her. 

At about ten, someone showed up at their house. Bay got up and walked over to answer it, but when she did she swallowed hard.

"Hey, Bay." Loren breathed.

"W-what are you doing here?" Bay asked as she looked over her biological mother. 

Loren didn't look like a prostitute anymore. Her hair was clean, she had on some light makeup, and her clothes were more appropriate for a mother for a 16-year-old. She looked sober which made Bay a little angry.

"Your parents invited me. I got scared and just got up enough courage to drive here." Loren replied slowly. Bay frowned deeply, before letting Loren into the house. It was part of her recovery to discuss how she was feeling with Loren, but she just didn't expect it to start so quickly.

"We already ate, but they are playing games. Do you want some cold pizza?" Bay asked, and Loren nodded.

"Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks." She smiled a bit.

Bay walked into the kitchen and everyone looked up to see them.

"Uh, everyone this is Loren Hanson. She's my bio mom." Bay breathed, as she prayed that Dickie wouldn't say anything hurtful.

"It's nice to see you, Loren," Olivia spoke. Loren nodded a bit before taking the cold pizza from Bay.

"Do you want to watch them or talk?" Bay breathed, as bravely as she possibly could.

"Wanna talk?" Loren asked, and Bay bit her lip but nodded.

"We can talk in my room."


Olivia and Elliot walked towards Bay's room and they stood outside of it and only heard silence. They didn't want to eavesdrop on their daughter, but it was hard not to when their daughter was in her bedroom with her biological mother.

"This is all part of her recovery, but I don't know how I feel about this," Elliot whispered. Olivia could barely hear him.

"I guess we just have to let her figure out that she isn't unwanted anymore. That she is just as wanted as our daughter, and probably even Loren's."

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