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It was weird for Bay and Olivia to be in a hotel again. Olivia didn't remember to pack enough diapers, so she sent Bay down to the bodega on the corner to pick some up and to pick up some food to have in the hotel room.

Bay started to gather the things that she needed when she heard her name breathed. She turned around and saw her father standing there with wide eyes.

"Oh." She breathed.

"Where's your mom and Noelle?" Elliot asked, and Bay frowned.

"They are at the hotel... Liv doesn't want to see you though." Bay replied. Elliot frowned because he could remember how Bay referred to Olivia as Liv instead of Mom in her note.

"Just tell me what hotel, okay?"

"You are so freaking anxious to see them, to make sure that they are okay... but I bet you weren't even worried about finding me. I bet that finding me just made you a little bit excited because you knew that you were within walking distance of them." Bay spat, as she finally broke. 

"Don't talk to me-"

"Then don't say that I'll never go to college or have a life. That I'm wasting my time finishing high school. That I'm wasting my time being with Wes because it won't last. Respect me and I'll respect you." Bay spat, and Elliot's eyes grew dark and Bay knew that she had truly pissed him off.

"Tell me where your mother is, and maybe, just maybe I'll let you come home," Elliot growled.

"I'm still a minor, asshole. If you kick me out for no reason, I'll report you. Trust me. I have a lot of pent up anger that I can let explode. Back. Off."

"Bay-" Elliot started, but then the owner walked over to them.

"Sir, please remove yourself from my property. I'm going to call the police if you don't leave this young lady alone." The man warned, and Elliot went to fight him on it, but then he saw a few officers outside of the store drinking coffee.

"I'll find them, Bay. And you'll never come home or see them ever again."

"You don't scare me, Elliot. Just go."


The store owner let Bay out the back door, and she carried the stuff she needed to the hotel and she snuck in quickly and headed back to their room.

Bay opened the door to the hotel room and quickly shut it behind herself.

"What took you so long?" Olivia asked, and Bay frowned.

"Sorry, it was busy. I didn't mean to take-"

"You aren't in trouble. I'm sorry. Did you find some food you wanted?" Olivia asked, and Bay nodded slowly as she opened the package of diapers before handing one to her mother.

"Yeah... but Mom, I think you should go home." Bay breathed.

"What? Why?" Olivia asked.

"I can see that you are overwhelmed and uncomfortable staying here... I know you did this for me, but you shouldn't have to. I lied to you." Bay breathed.

"What did you lie about?" Olivia breathed, and Bay frowned.

"The bodega wasn't busy. Elliot found me there and he demanded that I tell him where you are. He said that if I didn't, that he'd kick me out of the house... Mom, just go. Please. Just go back and be with him. He was so angry and upset, and I broke. I shouldn't have. I should have counted to ten then just left... I shouldn't have-"

"You have no reason, no reason at all to feel bad about what you said to him. He is a monster. He isn't the man I fell in love with. I don't know where he went, but I don't like the man he is... so I'm going to file for legal separation." Olivia breathed, and Bay felt her heartbreak.

"Mom, no. Don't do that..."

"Honey, I love you so much, but it's my choice," Olivia replied.

"Then I'm moving out because if you two get separated, he'll blame it on me... I'm going." Bay breathed before she walked over and grabbed her bag. She started to pack all of her stuff up as Olivia quickly finished changing Noelle's diaper before going over to stop Bay.

"No. We are in this together. I did this for you, honey."

"I didn't ask you too..." Bay whimpered.


Elliot asked around all the hotels in Hell's Kitchen before finding the one that Olivia was at. He took the elevator to their floor, and he walked out as soon as the door opened. But standing there waiting was Bay, who hit the ground hard when Elliot walked straight into her.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed, but Bay just picked herself back up and stumbled into the elevator with her bags in hand.

Elliot went running down the hall and quickly knocked on Olivia's hotel room.

"Bay!" Olivia exclaimed as she opened the door. But her excitement quickly faded when she saw Elliot standing there.

"Go away." She hissed.

"I'm here to take you and Noelle home. I need you, baby." Elliot spoke before he went to kiss his wife, but she pushed him back.

"Bay left because of you. She just ran out and I don't know where she is going or if she is going to be in a place that is safe."

"We don't need her," Elliot spoke, but his wife was beyond angry.

"No. We need her because she is our child and we love her. Or at least I love her. I want a separation, Elliot. And I want it now." She replied.

"We haven't even been married that long!?" Elliot exclaimed.

"Yeah, and honestly I wish I hadn't married you. I love Noelle, and I love what we had. But you aren't who I loved. Who I had a crush on for so long."

"No... I'll change Liv. I promise. I'll change for you and Noelle."

"You won't. You never change. Everyone else has to change for you."


"This is the last box," Bay spoke, as Wes carried the last box from her parents' house and put it in the back of his truck. Bay put her suitcases in the cab, before shutting the door and looking at her boyfriend.

"Are you sure that this is the best thing? Because if you need me to move everything back up to your room, I'm more than willing to do that." Wes spoke, and Bay frowned.

"I need this, Wes. I need to just get away because I keep making things worse... Can we go please?"

"Yeah, of course. Let's go."

Wes and Bay drove off, as Elliot pulled in. He went into the house and went to see if Bay was in her room so he could convince her to get her mother to come home. But when he opened the door to Bay's room without knocking, he was shocked to see everything was gone... Bay was gone.

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