Chapter 1

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8 hours later

"we will sleep in the truck tonight and we will meet you tomorrow then" Sean says, he walks off to the truck after giving me a tight hug "if you need anything, just ring us up" I nod and hug Sam. I get into the car and Isaac starts the engine "you ready for the nights drive" I nod as we head off.

It's 10 at night and Sean got tired of driving so he decided that Sam and him will sleep in the truck, I wanted to always experience a night drive till the sun raises so this is my opportunity and Isaac has no problem with that "we going to take a little stop" I frown at him as 'woman like me' plays on the radio by Little Mix "before we left New York, I was searching for places on our way so I thought we could stop there at day time-" he adds, emphasizing on day time and gives of a soft chuckle "but we passing it in like 30 minutes or so, why don't we go now then?" I turn to look at me as I give him a soft smile.

"thanks for doing this all for me" I look at the beautiful moon light and how quite the roads are. The car windows are down and the car is cold but it feels so nice and calming "anything for someone like you" I see him winch like the sixth time today, his arm is turning pale "Isaac, pull up" he looks at me confused "why?" he quickly turns his gaze back to the road "just stop the car!" he presses on his breaks, jerking the car forward "what's wrong?" I ignore him as I open the passenger door and walk towards the driver's seat.

I pull onto his door as it doesn't barge "what happened?" he asks while unlocking the car, he gets out as I slip pass him, pushing myself in the driver's seat "Ava!" he groans. I shut the door and move my finger to the direction of the passenger seat, he huffs out in frustration.

I change the song on the radio and wait for Isaac to get in. My body still hurts but I can handle it "you really stubborn" Isaac mumbles, I grin as I start the car and speed off. The headlights shine bright onto the road "I love this" I whisper, it's just something I always wanted to do "it's really  beautiful" Isaac says, I can't agree more with him.

"where about is this place?" I ask him, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel to the amazing music that flows through the air "just keep driving, I'll direct you" I nod and we both stay quite in a comfortable silence. This is going to be my new life, I first left Chicago to start a new life but now I'm going back for a new start and hopefully this time I hope it will be a new beginning.

I feel Isaac's eyes on me as I smile "I didn't know that I'm so interesting" I giggle and from the corner of my eyes I see him smirk "well, you are quite interesting" he grins and sets his hand out of the window. Isaac might be a new start for me, I left behind Liam, Blake, Emma, Emily and Leonardo.

I recall Leo's words "you killed her! You killed Kathleen and OUR CHILD!" I don't blame myself for anything nor do I blame Isaac, I was worried about Kathleen since she drank even though she was pregnant but may she rest in peace. If Leo thinks I was the reason for her death then he doesn't really know me.

"take a left, Ava" I indicate to the left as I drive onto a dirt road "keep driving straight" our bodies move as we hit rocks and pebbles. I continue straight as I see a dead end "did you bring me to a dead end?" I stop the car and frown.

I turn to face him but he gets out of the car "what are you doing, Isaac?" I call out to him from the car but he just walks around and opens my door "let's go" he starts to walk away but I grab his hand "where are you taking me?" he puts a hand on top of mines and looks at me as he bites the piecing on his lip "trust me" I nod as we start walking into the dark forest, a very creepy forest.

Sticks underneath my sneakers break and trees make it harder to see "it's so dark! I can't bloody see ANYTHING!" I'm getting really irritated. He spins around as he holds his hand out "take my hand" I roll my eyes at him and put my hand in his "charming" I click my tongue, he smirks and pulls me alongside "I'm always charming" I groan out due to his cockiness.

I see some light come in view "you ready?" he asks me seriously, I laugh "you asking me if I'm ready as if you sacrificing me" he shakes his head as we walk to the direction of the moon light. We soon exit the horrible forest and enter a open land. My eyes widen at what I see, my jaw drops, my heart rate increases and my body reacts so fast that all of a sudden......... I'm running.

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