Chapter 5

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"how old are you, Isaac?" Sean questions Isaac "I'm 26" I look up from the menu and tell Sean what I want "Isaac, what would you like?" he shakes his head "I'm not hungry" I turn to face him "please choose something" I plead to him but he continues to shake his head "agr whatever, Sean take two of my dish" Isaac is about to protest but I block his mouth with my hand "shut it" he smiles and grabs my hand, moving it "you always amuse me" blush forms on my cheeks and I hear Sam squeal.

I turn to look at Sam and Sean but my gaze only gets fixed on Sean, he glares at Isaac and this worries me. I stand up and grab Sean's hand "I need to speak to you" he nods and stands up. We walk outside of the steakhouse as I face him "there's nothing going on between Isaac and I, Sean" I fiddle with my fingers and hear Sean sigh "Ava, you know that I don't get involved in your life because I let you do what you want but I don't want you to get hurt by another guy" I shake my head and smile at him "it's nothing of that sort plus Isaac and I are definitely not ready for a relationship" I smile at him "I know baby girl, now let's go" his about to leave but I grab his hand "I wanted to ask you something" Sean raises his eyebrow "about what?" I gulp "why haven't you got mum and dad's room cleaned?" he sighs and lowers his head "I didn't have the heart too, it's hard" I rest my hand on his shoulder "you have to Sean, it's time we start of new"

He pulls me into a hug and ruffles my hair "you are strong woman" I smile as we both head into the restaurant. I take my seat next to Isaac "everything good?" he asks me "yeah, nothing to worry about" everyone gets into a conversation as I sit back and smile at the three people in front of me, they are like the only family I currently have, I know I just got to know Isaac but for the past 2 weeks he has been there for me.

I know that I shouldn't trust so easily and with the situation with Leonardo, it makes my trust issue hang on the line but I just have a feeling something to the story doesn't add up. I would have said I want to get answers but I'm not going to dig up the past anymore. If this is my future, with the three people on this table then let it be, because I'm just going with the flow.

Soon, the food arrives and we all start eating but Isaac just sits and stares at the food "I just need to go to the bathroom, I'll be back" he stands up and walks away, I frown and look at Sean "go" he mouths to me. I stand up, throwing my napkin on the table and walk to the direction of the bathrooms, making sure not to make noise.

As I'm about to turn to my right, I see Isaac. He stands near the male's bathroom with a few notes in his hand, he starts digging in his back pocket but hisses out "fuck" I frown and shake my head, I walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He snaps around and his eyes widen, he quickly tries to stuff the money back in his pocket but I stop him.

I grab his hand and take the money out from it "why are you doing this?" he turns away and avoids me "Isaac, look at me" I grab his face with both hands and make him look at me "money is not everything and personally I don't think money matters because whether you have it or not, it doesn't really make you happy" I close the space between our bodies and I hear his breath hitch, I lean around him while I tuck the money back into his pocket "one thing you need to learn when you staying with us is that we are not obsessed with money we may be rich but do you think we like been rich?" I question him but he hangs his head down "Isaac, do you think we like been rich?" he shakes his head and grabs my hand "thank you, Ava" I smile and rub circles on his palm "don't thank me, just please promise me you won't do this again" he nods and wraps his arms around me, I do the same as I feel his heart beats increase and no lie but this reminds me of Leonardo.

I quickly shake the thought out of my head and concentrate at the current moment "let's go" I grab his hand and we both walk back to the table "everything good?" Sam asks me "yeah, Isaac just needed to make a call" we both take a seat and we start eating. I let my gaze fall on Isaac as I see him enjoying the steak and this brings a smile to my face.

"like it?" I ask him, he looks at me with a big steak piece in his mouth and nods, I give of a soft laugh and see Sean and Sam feeding each other, I'm really happy for him. He loves her and it's obvious.

"when do you want to start, Isaac?" Sean asks him, Isaac takes some time to answer because his to busy stuffing his mouth, I hold in my laughter "when would you like me to start?" I hand him a napkin to wipe his mouth as he looks at me confused "your mouth" his mouth forms an 'o' and he grabs the napkin from my hand "Sean, I'll be starting on Monday so I'll bring Isaac with me" I tell Sean while Isaac wipes the mess he has made as I shake my head at his childish ways "will you be fine by starting on Monday, Ava?" I nod "perfectly fine plus Isaac and I will be going to get some paint tomorrow to get the house painted so we need to call a interior designer" he nods as we all get back to eating out food.

"see y'all at home" I wave to Sam and Sean as they get into the car and drive off "you driving" I fling the keys at Isaac "anything for you" he smirks and gets into the driver's seat, I open the passenger door as I slip inside.

"let's take a drive to the beach" I tell him as I buckle up "put the GPS on" I quickly enter it on my phone and place it on his lap, I forgot how to get to some places in Chicago. I drum my fingers on my lap as I listen to the music, I observe Chicago streets and I have to admit that I personally feel that New York is better.

"what you think of Chicago?" I relax back and cross my legs, he changes the gear and indicates to the right "it's nice but New York became home" I nod and close my eyes, letting myself live in the moment. I feel someone stare at me, I open my eyes and smirk at Isaac "don't want to have another accident" he gulps and looks back at the road "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" he stops me "it's fine Ava" he puts a hand on my lap as I sigh "I was just joking, I never meant it in that way" he shakes his head "I know Ava" he chuckles and soon he parks in a free spot "we here, are we going out?" I nod and open the door, letting myself out.

It's so beautiful, I walk around the car while waiting for Isaac to get his phone "let's go" he tucks both of our phones in his back pocket as he wraps an arm around my waist, we both walk towards the beach as we see a few people sitting on the sand and some having ice-cream "you want ice-cream?" I ask him but he shakes his head "I'm stuffed" I laugh and nudge his shoulder "that's why you got a food baby" he looks down at his tummy and looks back at me in shock "Oh. My. God! I'm so fat" he mimics a girl and this just brings me to a laughing fit.

After recovering, I look back at him with tears filled in my eyes but I see him staring down at me. My breath hitches as I feel his hot breath on me, his black dark eyes glares intensely down at mine "Isaac" I say softly but he leans down, nearing my ear and whispers "shut up"

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