Chapter 22

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This is so beautiful! I run down the trail as Isaac runs after me shouting out for me to be careful "let's go!" I shout back. He sighs and runs faster after me, I stop by the waterfall and start removing all of my clothing "what are you doing!?" Isaac grabs my hand and pulls me away from the edge "have fun and loosen up!"

I grab onto his shirt and pull him closer to me "let's have fun" he smirks and starts removing his shirt "you are crazy!" I look down and see how high we stand "come here" I spin around but Isaac wraps his arms around my waist and jumps backwards down. My screams sound like hurling wind and my hair wipes around. My scream subsides as I smile and grip Isaac's face, kissing him as we land into the water.

I start coming up for air but Isaac wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. He places his lips on mine as I smile into the kiss. I surface up, taking in a deep breath "that was crazy!" Isaac wipes his face with his hands "that was fun!" I twirl around in the water "definitely crazy" Isaac mumbles, turning around I show him the middle finger and swim away to the waterfall.

"what do you want to do after this?" he wraps his arms around my neck "we should go to the mall because I don't have enough clothes to last me" he kisses my neck and runs his fingers down my back. I whimper and throw my head back, leaning on his shoulder "let's do...." his lips land on mine as I deepen it. This is the most awkward position ever.

"I told you I want to wait" he pulls back and rests his forehead on mine. I roll my eyes and pull away "we should leave" swimming to the edge and help myself up shit, we don't have clothes "we have to walk back like this" I sigh and start walking down the path "are you angry?" his footsteps start getting louder as my pace quickens.

"you can't always avoid me!" his seriously getting on my nerves. He says he wants to wait but he will kiss me and make the temptation worst. I reach the car and wait for him to get the keys from the guard.

"get in, I'll get the towels" I open the passenger door, getting in "here" I grab the towel from his hand, wiping all the water of my body, glancing outside, spotting Isaac drying himself up "damn" I whisper, no matter how annoyed I can be with him but I have to admit, his hot.

I look away when he is done, he gets into the driver's seat and starts the car "mall?" I nod and look at the back seat to find his hoodie, grabbing it and pulling it over my body. We sit quietly with no music - dead silence.

"why are you giving me the cold shoulder?" the audacity of him asking me that question, he sighs and keeps his eyes on the road. The whole way to the mall we keep quiet with only the sounds of the wind surrounding us.

We arrive at the mall as I grab my bag and hurry out of the car "wait!" I slow down and wait for him. There are two reasons why I'm ignoring him
1. Because he irritated me.
2. His shirtless with only a pair of shorts on. Yes, my hormones are crazy today.

"let's go" he entwines our hands and I don't pull away. We walk inside together "where do you want to go to first?" I look around and see "forever 21?" he nods as we walk towards the clothing shop. I see girls staring at Isaac, I mean who wouldn't stare at this piece of candy.

Wrapping my arms around him, warning them that his not single. He looks down at me "jealous?" I look up glancing at his beautiful blue eyes that I wish he didn't hide "I'm not" he smirks "keep telling yourself that" I roll my eyes but keep my arm around him. If I was a dog I would have been barking at these gawking blondes.

"start shopping" we walk inside and my eyes pop "new clothing!" I could feel the drool escaping my mouth, I hear Isaac laugh as he pulls away from me "I'll be back" before I could stop him, he speeds out of the shop.

The look he had in his eyes when he said that is the look he gave me when he told me about Vincent and Salvatore. What is he hiding now?

Ignoring the feeling, I start shopping "ma'am, do you need any help?" I offer a smile and shake my head no "just having a look, thank you" she walks away as I pick out a adorable yellow sunflower dress. Hanging it over my arm, I start hunting for more summer dresses since it's getting really hot back in Chicago.

I check out with all the items and head out of the shop "where is he now?" I dig in my bag for my phone but curse out when I remember I left it back in the car. I sit down on the benches and wait for him, taping my foot gently onto the ground.

I look around and see a few guys standing in the corner, eyeing me. I narrow my eyes at them as they quickly look away honestly, Isaac is asking for his death. I wonder what we could do tomorrow, maybe we could go to the beach or so "Ava" I look up and see him walking from the entrance, I frown and stand up "where were you?" I question him, he smiles and wraps an arm around my waist "I went to go see clothes for myself"

His grinning is getting me really nervous "but you came through the entrance" he gulps and looks away "I went to go smoke" smoke? I just shut up as we both walk around the mall "give me the bags" I hand it to him and we continue walking in silence.

"where we of to now?" he asks me "I don't know" I shrug and lean my head on his shoulder, I'm quite tired at the moment "you want to go back to the hotel?" I shake my head and point at Guess "let's go get you a few things" he stops and makes me jerk forward "I got clothing, let's get back to the hotel" I yawn and see his eyes soften.

He puts his hand on my face, letting his thumb run over my lip "you so tired" I'm about to reply but next thing I know I'm in his arms like a little baby that I am "I'm not even going to fight you because this is so damn comfortable" he chuckles "you just so cute" I smile and nuzzle my face into his neck, inhaling his amazing smell mixed with the scent of water.

His just amazing.

His Past, Her Future: Forbidden Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora