Chapter 4

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“go inside girls, we will bring the bags and boxes in” I ignore Sean and pick 2 boxes that sat on the floor “we not weak, babe” Sam says and also picks up 2 boxes. I walk up the stairs of the house that I once walked away from, the house that reminds me of horrible events.

Each step that I take scares me to what my future is going to be like “you okay, Hun?” I nod and smile at Sam “I’m good” Scott, one of the workers opens the door of the house as I stand in front of our house “Nice to see you again, Ma’am” I nod my head at him as I place my right foot inside the house.

“Welcome back home, Ava” Sean whispers in my ear as I smile “home sweet home” I take a deep breath in and start walking to the living room, everything is still the same. I place the boxes on the floor and grab Sean’s arm “everything is still the same” the cotton grey curtains covered the glass windows and the couches sat at the same exact place, 6 steps away from the piano. The silk table cloth mum always use to brag about from London and the big portrait of our parents.

“I didn’t have the time to change things but-“ he places his hands on my shoulder and pushes me towards the stairs “you can change the house because it does need new interior designs” I smile and he looks up the stairs “one of the maids put your suitcases upstairs, I know you hate people setting your cupboard so you can get to work” I smile and jog up the stairs, I only realize now that I really missed home.

I walk through the hallway, looking at everything and touching the walls that I once drawn on. A cream door with black designs come into view my parents room. I walk towards it and place my hand on the gold knob twisting it, I push the door open and see the bed the way it was the day our parents died, the bed was still not done and cob webs filled the room, dust invaded every corner of the room and mums gown was still laying on the ground, dad’s blazer sat on the chair filled with dust.

I walk into the room and quickly open the window, letting air into the room. I cough as I block my nose and quickly walk out of the room but leave the door open for air. I walk fast to my room and swing the door open but to see everything dusted and put neatly in place ‘why did Sean not tell the maids to clean mum and dad’s room?’

Reminding myself to question him about it I make my way to the suit cases. I pick up the biggest one and throw it on the bed, opening it I start taking all my clothing out and hanging it in the walk in closet. I pick my green dress up and as I’m about to put it in the hanger I see a particular frame that hang just next the window.

I walk towards it, dropping my dress onto the bed and touching his face “Leo” a tear slips down my right eye “why can’t I just forget you?” I take the frame out of the wall and look at it, it was the day we first had a normal conversation which was the day he found me crying on the beach “it’s fine if you don’t forget him, you know” I wipe the tears away as I turn around.

Isaac has his hands stuffed in his jeans pocket and his hair was wet while some water droplets land on his black t-shirt “I couldn’t stand the heat and I was dirty so I had a bath if that’s what you wondering” he smirks and walks into the room, looking around “one kind of room you got here” I smile and set the picture on the bed “I can’t believe Sean kept it this way for so long” he sits on the bed and pulls my hand “sit” I follow his orders and sit next to him “Sean offered me to stay here till I get my own apartment or so” he grins at me and picks the picture up, I’m about to grab it away from him but he pulls away “so…… Since I’m going to be staying here, we going to be like little blondes and have sleep overs and gossip about this-“ he points at Leonardo in the photo “dude”

I laugh and pull the picture away “his my past Isaac, we don’t need to speak about him but we can’t speak about better things for example……. Why is your eyes so black?” he sighs and places a hand on my back “that’s a story for another time but why don’t we settle in, let me help you with unpacking” I nod and stand up, handing him my small suitcase which contains all my body stuff “place these in the bathroom please” he nods and walks off.

“I need to redo the house up, I need to go shopping tomorrow for paint and some other stuff that’s needed!” I yell out while I find all my undergarments and place it in the drawers “I’ll take you tomorrow then” I hear him walk to the closet as I turn back “put some music on, you going to be here for a long time” he grins and shakes his head “I honestly don’t mind”

Saturday afternoon

“have y’all decided as yet?” I ask Sean and Samantha but they shake their heads “Sean wants to go to that stupid Italian restaurant but I want to go to the steakhouse” Sam groans and glares at Sean and if looks could kill, Sean will be six feet underground.

“let’s go to the steakhouse, I’ve been listing for it for a while now” Sean rolls his eyes and nods “fine, let Isaac know and tell him to come downstairs” I quickly head upstairs to the guest room that Isaac is staying in, I knock on the door and wait for a response but the door opens and I see a tired Isaac come in view “what happened, Ava?” he asks me and yawns “are you okay?” he nods and smiles “I’m good, just tired but what’s up?” I decide not push it “we going out for supper so get ready and come downstairs” he nods and grins “are you riding with me?” I hit him on his head and walk away.

I quickly jog to my room, grab my purse and walk downstairs “is he coming?” I nod and Samantha grabs my arm “we going in one car, I don’t want to sit in the same car with a demon” I shake my head at their immaturity “you both act like kids” Sean crosses his arms and doesn’t spare a glare at Sam.

“sorry for keeping y’all waiting” Isaac apologies as he descends the staircase but I have to say, this guy surely knows how to look good in black “it’s fine, you riding with me” Sean grabs onto Isaac and as they about to walk away, he turns and glares at Sam but Sam shows him the middle finger making Isaac and I burst into laughter “we’ll meet y’all there” Sam says and drags me out of the house.

We walk into the garage and my eyes widen, the number of cars increased “Sean loves his cars so this is the outcome” Sam smiles as she hands me four sets of keys “you decide” I look down at all four wow. I’ve always been the rich kid but it’s quite long now that I’ve actually been back home properly.

I pick up the BMW I8 latest model and smirk at Sam “good choice” she giggles and we both get into the car “I love BMWs” she sets the GPS as I see the boys drive off, I follow out of the garage as Sam shuts the door of the garage “the GPS is on” I nod and see the Audi waiting for us outside “why are they waiting for us?” I ask Sam as I near their car, she just shrugs.

“ladies!” I roll down my window as Isaac smirks at me “up for a race?” this brings a smile on my face as I look at Sean, he must have told Isaac about my love for racing “bring it on, babe” I extend my hand outside the window as Isaac shakes it “I’ll whip your ass in this, Ava” I ignore him and look front “ready?” I shout as our cars both roar to life.

Isaac holds up 3 fingers and each time one went down, the adrenalin in me increases. When the last finger goes down, we both take off. Sam holds down on her seat as I laugh “you not going to die” I yell as the wind brushes against my hair. I’m currently first as we both take a right and he dashes past me, I smirk and change my gear while I add more pressure onto the accelerator. This feels so good, it’s good to do things I use to do before.

We enter the freeway as we speed past cars, I look at the GPS and see a quick short cut “change of direction” I quickly reverse as I hear cars hoot at me and some horrible curses, I see Sean’s head pop out of the window and shows me a thumbs up “what are you doing Ava!?” I ignore Sam as I stop and accelerate to my left. I speed down the road and exit through the one way street “we here” I smirk.

I look at Sam when I don’t hear an answer to see her eyes wide open “are you okay?” her hair is like a nest and this makes me wonder what mines looks like “you think I’m okay!” she hits my arm and looks at me in shock “are you even human!?” I smirk and pull down the mirror and quickly sort my hair out “a girl who loves GTA, this is the outcome” I see Isaac pull up behind me as I get out of the car, leaving Sam to come to terms with what just happened.

“who whipped who’s ass?” I smirk at Isaac as he walks up to me “I got to say, a girl who drives like that-“ he leans in, placing his lips by my ear “is quite attractive”

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