Chapter 16

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"there is nothing to do actually mostly just emails to respond too" I grab my handbag and walk outside of the office, locking it "that's okay then, I'll see you at home tonight" I say goodbye to Sean and walk to the elevator. Isaac is waiting for me in the car because we decided to go to a Café "Miss. Carter!" someone calls out my name, I freeze and spin around to see one of the employees "how may I help you?" he hands me a USB "someone delivered this here a few minutes back and they said that I must hand it to Isaac" I look down at the red coloured USB "thank you" he smiles and walks away.

I walk outside and see Leonardo's car exit the building, I still think of him but my mind is just set on Isaac. To be honest when I seen Leonardo I was fearing that I would choose him but when I told him about Isaac, I felt....... Proud. He won't be easy to forget but I want to try to move on and if Isaac and I don't work then I don't care because I know that God doesn't want it to happen. I open the car door and get in, I buckle up and hand Isaac the USB "someone delivered this for you" he looks confused as he stares down at the drive "okay...." the uncertainty in his voice made me frown but I don't question him about it.

"it's so hot!" I moan out, the weather in Chicago has been really humid lately and I'm really sun burnt....... I look like a burnt toast "it wasn't really hot in New York" Isaac states. I rub my palm on my face as I feel sweat drip "can we like just go home now? We can go to the Cafe tomorrow maybe after work or so" I really need to take a shower and just relax "good idea" he laughs and switches the air conditioning on "the blue is fading" Isaac leans over and runs his hand through my hair. When I first coloured my hair blue Isaac was in love with it, he still is "are you going to colour it again?" I nod and smile "I want to try all different colours, won't that be cool?" he smirks and grips my thigh "I think your next colour should be....... Silver" I look at him weirdly "silver?" out of all the colours in the world he chooses SILVER! "I think it will suit you"

I raise my eyebrow, taking my lip in my mouth "I highly doubt" I park the car in the garage, I switch the car off and get out of the driver's seat "well just give it a try" I shake my head as we both walk into the house with his arm wrapped around my waist "I rather go back to my normal colour then" I hum out.

He pouts and pulls me into his arms "please!" he begs me, I shake my head and tap his nose "you not a child" pulling away from him I ascend the staircase "YOU WILL DO IT!" he shouts from the bottom "whatever" I shout back. Entering my room, I shut the door and quickly strip out from my sweaty clothing, I rush into the shower and if this isn't heaven then I don't know what is.

I scrub my body and wash up "Miss Carter!" I hear knocking on my bathroom door "what!?" what the hell is wrong with this person "something has happened to Mr. Stone!?" my eyes go wide and I feel confusion take over me, wrapping the towel around my body I open the door "what's going on?" the maid points out of my room "Mr. Stone!" she grabs onto my wrist and I feel anger boil in me but I can see the worry in her face.

She drags me down to Sean's office with her nails digging into my wrist. The door to his office is open wide, when I step into the office my eyes go wide and my mouth goes dry "Isaac" my voice cracks up as his name leaves my mouth. I look around the trashed office, paper thrown onto the ground, a stuttered vase lay on the floor and blood droplets roamed the tiles.

I bend down near Isaac as he snaps his head up, his blood shot eyes meet mine and a tear falls from his eye. I grab his hand but feel liquid combine on my flesh, I look down at both of our hands and see blood "you are hurt!" I look at his hands and see glass pieces stuck inside his palms "what happened!?" he pulls his hands away from mine and stands up "I want to be alone" I sit there as he leaves the room, making the maid look at me with concern "clean this room up now!"

I stand up and dust my hands "do you know what happened?" I ask her since she is still standing there "Mr. Stone came to Mr. Carters office with a USB and afterwards I just heard screaming and when I came in, he was throwing things all over the room" I nod and dismiss her out of the room to get the cleaning supplies "he came here with a USB" I whisper, I spin around and see the laptop on the floor. I quickly grab it hoping that it's not broken and to my luck the screen is only cracked, I squint my eyes at the screen and play the video that's on pause.

"Isaac oh Isaac! I guess you got the video if your watching this...... Now let's get to the point, you killed my girl so as a cliché mafia guy I'm going to kill-" the guy on the video looks to his right "what's her name?" someone tells him something and he smirks "Ava Carter, I know where you are Isaac and I also know that Vincent is in Chicago as well so maybe I'll even get to you before he does because I mean you did take away his daughter and my girl. I know where you work Isaac and I know where you live..... I'm fucking coming for you and that bitch"

The video goes black as I sit there stunned. I just labelled our relationship and now there comes a problem. I run out of the office while bumping into the maid from earlier "sorry" I mumble. I run into Isaac's room and see him packing his suitcase "what are you doing?" I grab onto his hand and pull his black shirt out of his grip "leave me alone Ava" he pulls away and yanks the shirt out of my hand but yells out in pain from the cuts that are now bandaged, folding it and placing it into the suitcase.

I grab his suitcase and dump all the clothes back onto the bed "what are you doing!?" he yells at me, I throw his suitcase onto the floor and grab his arm "you are not going anywhere! I seen the video Isaac and I have no clue what's going on but I won't let you leave" he shakes his head and pulls away from me "you are in danger, Ava. I have to go"

He picks his suitcase up and sets it on the bed, I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him "please don't go" I don't even know when the tears started but it did. I lean my head on his back as I feel my tears soak up on his shirt "I have too" I whimper "no you don't Isaac!" I let go of him and sit down, pulling him with me "with you like explaining to me what the hell is going on?"

"I need to leave Ava! You don't understand anything at the moment!" he stands up and this pisses me off, I yank his shirt and he trips and falls down "then make me understand!" I grit my teeth as I say each word. I stare into his black eyes and wait for an answer "it's complicated" he sighs and pulls his knees to his chest, I lean back and observe him "give me a try"

"the girl that I was telling you about was not only my girlfriend who used me for her boyfriends mafia business but she was also the mafia leaders daughter......Olivia" I recall the story he told me about her using him and how he lost trust in woman "when I started dating her I didn't know that she was the daughter of the mafia leader. When I left the mafia to be with her, I with hear her make calls at night and I would wake up to her meeting a guy downstairs her apartment. When I went back to join the mafia I found out about her been the daughter of Vincent then everything made sense" I bend down next to him because I can see how disturbed he is "when our rivals attacked, I was about to shoot him.... Shoot Salvatore but she came into the way and I shot her...... That's why Vincent is after me because he doesn't know the truth behind me killing his daughter"

Vincent....... "Vincent....... The biggest drug lord in the world" if you say his name in front of people, they run. If you dare to mess with his men, he hunts you, his dangerous and nobody dares to mess with him "yeah that's him" it may have been on the news or newspaper but I don't do both of them so I wouldn't know.

"what are you going to do now?" I ask him, he turns his head towards me and closes the gap between us "I have to leave beautiful" I shake my head and grab his arm "you can't leave" he tries to remove my hand from him but I remain stubborn "you don't understand! You are in danger! If I don't leave then they will kill you"

I drop my hand from his arm and drown into his eyes that hold so much emotion but I can understand one really

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