Chapter 2

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My knees drop onto the hard, rough ground. I run my fingertips through the ice, cold water and admire the deep blue colour . The white light from the moon shined onto the water which gives it a reflection, he places himself next to me and smiles “the way you ran-“ he starts laughing as I hit him on the head “I just wanted to see the lake, okay” I roll my eyes and hide the smile that places itself on my face.

I take out my sneakers and place it next to me, I pull my socks out and hear a hiss come from the one and only ‘Isaac’ “what now?” I huff out, he uses his fingers to hold his nostrils down “smelly” I fold up my jeggings and let my legs slip into the water, a shiver runs through my body as I feel sparks light up within me. My feet move around the ice, cold blue water “you know, Ava, when I ran away from my uncle’s house, I met this lady after 3 years of been into the business and when I say she was the most beautiful woman I have ever met and I wanted to spend my life with her, I would have taken a bullet for her, I would have moved oceans apart to look for her” he takes a deep breath in and takes out his combat boots, setting it next to my sneakers “so, I left the business and decided to be with her, I moved into her apartment and we got closer each and every day but only to finally come to know what a bit-“ he holds himself back from swearing and I respect this, this shows that a man has respect for a woman “sorry” he apologizes, he sets his feet into the water and leans forward while removing his black hoodie.

“go on” I encourage him, his face holds a stone cold glare as he looks into the water “she just wanted to be with me because her boyfriend was in our rivalry gang” he sighs and looks at me “I lost trust in woman Ava, no one could be like my mother. Everyone has abounded me within my life and all they did was hurt me, I may have tattoos, piercings and wear black most of my life but I don’t have a heart of rock even though my surname is Stone” he let’s a soft laugh.

I push my hair behind my ear and dip my hand into the water, moving it around “you different and I’m glad I met you” he holds his hand out to me “friends?” this brings a smile to my face, I grab onto his hand and shake it “friends and a new beginning” he smirks and wraps a hand around my back “definitely a new beginning”

“wanna go for a dip?” he asks me, before I could answer, he stands up and removes his t-shirt, I look away, you can’t blame me, we all have a weakness and mine is abs “come on Ava!” he unzips his jeans and walks back but I quickly stand up “wait” I remove my top and jeggings. I walk to were he stands and grab his hand “you ready?” he smirks and bites his lip “let’s go”

We both take off, running towards the water and once we near, we both jump in and let the water gobble us in, sucking us down. I surface and feel hands on my hips, I spin around and laugh when I see a smirking Isaac “was that not fun?” he asks me “hell yeah! It was!” he laughs and spins us around the water, the water doesn’t feel as ice as before.

“this was always on my bucket list” I mumble but Isaac hears me “check list!” I shake my head and let out a soft laugh. I swim around, letting relaxation take over me “shut your eyes” Isaac says, grabbing my hand “nope, you might drown me” I grin but he frowns “dammit! Now my plan is out!” I shout at him, hitting him on his chest but quickly regret it as you all know, weakness. Is. Abs.

“please, close you eyes” I do what he says as I feel my body lift up slowly, I’m about to snap my eyes open but his palm lands right above my eyes, blocking me from even peeping “relax” he whispers. My body floats in the amazing, chilling water as Isaac’s hands support my side.

He moves around with me as I keep my eyes shut, forgetting everyone and everything. I feel his hands move away from my body as my eyes snap open, I quickly grab a hold of him to regain my balance “you want to head out now?” he asks me, tilting his head to the direction of the forest “yeah, I don’t want to but we have to head out because Sean and Sam will have to meet us by morning”

We swim to the edge as Isaac gets out and extends his hand out for me, I grab it and he helps me up “I got Sean’s and my suitcase in the car, you can change into something of his” I say while I look at our damp clothes that sit just a few meters away from the lake, I guess when we jumped in the water splashed onto our clothes.

We both grab our clothes and put our shoes on as we walk back to the car, I try my best to stay away from tree branches and once I see the car come in view, I smile I made it without hitting myself in the face with a tree branch bang! I fall backwards, landing on my but as I feel sticks crack underneath me which means it’s definitely going to leave marks, my face hurts as I feel someone hover above me “you okay?” I open one eye and stare at the idiot in front of me “you really think I’m going to be okay after BANGING MY FACE INTO A TREE”

He helps me up but I hit his hands away and walk first, heading towards the car. I can hear him chuckling behind but I just ignore him, I grab the keys from his hand and unlock the car, pulling onto the door and getting in “feisty” I hear him mumble, I start the engine and wait for him to fetch clothes from the boot.

I grab the hoodie from the back and put it on, the passenger door opens as he slides in “I got you this” he hands me my long black dress “I already got something on” I fling it in the back and reverse out of the dirt road and Isaac gets dressed “are you seriously angry with me?” he sighs “yep” I pop the ‘p’ as I see him stare at me in bewilderment.

I smirk as he turns and faces the window “women” he whispers “I heard that”

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