Chapter 13

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Leonardo's pov

"I'll take Emma home" I thank Emily and walk back into my office, I'm staying a bit longer today just to sort out a business deal that was opened recently. I unbutton a few buttons on my shirt and pick the pen up, reading through the documents.

I sign the first page and go to the next but my office door slams open "Leo!" I look up and a grin forms on my face "Blake" I stand up but frown when I see the worried expression on his face "what happened?" I question him, I haven't seen him from the time that Kathleen died because I refused to see anyone and Emily will always tell me that Blake is here to see me but I would lock the door.

He walks to the desk and throws a small red book on the table "you want the truth, right?" his breathing is heavy as I look at him confused "what truth? " he shakes his head "why the hell I'm I even asking you! when you believed that fraud of a fiancé" he points at the book "Kathleen was tricking you Leo! And your bitch of a sister-" I bang the desk, anger flushing in me "don't you dare call her that!"

Blake laughs and looks at me "read the book and you will be calling her that yourself" he walks out of my office, leaving the door open. I sigh and shut it, looks like I lost my friend now. I sit down on the chair and my curious side comes out, I pick the book up and see a engraving Kathleen I open the book and see her writing.

Today is the best day of my life, I just got engaged to Leonardo James. The guy of my dreams, I love him and his so perfect. When I look at him all I see is a guy who is to good for this world and even though he ignores me most of the time, I somehow know his listening to what I say........

I turn the page, what is Blake talking about, this book only contains her life events. I keep flapping through the pages until a certain date catches my attention, I run my finger down the page

I just got back to New York today and I decided to go see the love of my life but when I entered his house and was told that his in his office, I broke once I heard EVERYTHING! How can he do this to me!? I thought we loved each other but he loves that stupid low life girl! HIS SECRETARY! We engaged yet he still has the nerve to tell her he loves her! I can't let her get in the way of Leonardo and I! I will ruin her! I immediately called Emily and bargained with her and guess what we came up with the perfect plan, a plan that will tie Leo and I down forever. I'm pregnant.

I turn the page and continue reading
I just got hold of Theo Fernandez because of Emily who was a big help, his going to take Ava away and hopefully forever and she will be gone from Leonardo's life and he will be all mine! I love him so much yet he doesn't see it and I just wish that this fake baby will make him realize I'm the one he's supposed to be with! Theo told me that he needs help getting in and that's what I'm going to do.......I mean I got the looks and the body, it would be easy to seduce Madden into working with me.

Emily just got a call from Leonardo stating that they at a police department and Ava is okay.... Blah blah blah! She survived! But Emily came up with a great plan..... Move the wedding to next week and that's what I'm doing! Leonardo will soon be mine and I will make Ava watch, make her watch when we take our wedding vows and make her watch when I kiss him after been pronounced husband and wife!

I shut the book, I couldn't read more. Collecting all my things, I rush out of the office. I ring up Blake and immediately he answers "I guess you read the book" I look down at the red book in my hands "where can I meet you? Are you at home?" I hear him sigh as I exit the elevator and hurry towards my car "yeah I'm at home, I'm waiting"

He hangs up as I get into my car and drive off. I run a hand through my hair, this is all to much! Kathleen knew this whole time about Ava and I, that's why she faked the whole damn pregnancy thing! But why didn't the doctors tell me she wasn't pregnant, my mind drifts of to the day of the accident "I'm sorry to say Mr James but your fiancé didn't make it...." I cut him of as I grab onto his collar "don't you fucking say that! She has to be alive! My child has to be alive!" he frowns but Blake grabs my arm "stop this Leo" I push him away and storm to the room that Ava is in, it's been 2 days and Kathleen and my unborn child had to die but not the bitch who was driving and caused everything! "stop it Leo!" Blake jogs after me but the anger in me is just to much "What's going on?" Sean stands up from the floor.

It's because I never let anyone talk to me after I heard that and maybe that's why Blake wanted to see me but I ignored and pushed everyone away. I drive into Blake's driveway and park my car, I get out with the red book in my hand as I see Blake leaning on the pillar "took you long enough to understand the truth" he clicks his tongue "I didn't suspect this, Blake"

We walk into his house as I get comfortable on the couch "will you explain all of this to me now?" he nods and seats himself opposite me "after what you did to Ava, you left and I went to speak to Dr Stan and he told me that Kathleen was never pregnant and he was confused when you spoke about losing an unborn child"

He picks the book up from where I placed it and holds it up in front of us "I never quite understand what was going on so me been the detective, I went to Kathleen house, broke in and searched the house and I came in contact with this book. After reading everything I finally understood how Theo got in so easily and plus Emily helped her through it all"

My gaze lands on the book and an image pops up in my mind "Ava" I whisper. I stand up, ready to go get my girl "where are you going?" he blocks my way "I need to see Ava" I push pass him but freeze when I hear his laughs "you going to drive to Chicago?" he starts laughing even more "what do you mean?" he walks up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder "she's gone, Leo.... You fucked up, big time" I turn around, moving his hand of my shoulder "no she didn't! She just moved out of my house!"

He shakes his head "she's gone Leo, accept it" he walks away, leaving me to drown in my thoughts. No matter what anyone says, I'm going to make everything right. I walk out of his house, getting in my car and driving of to the first problem I need to take care of.

I speed down the roads, missing red robots and not caring to the world what speed I'm supposed to drive on because right now I need to get my girl and I need to make sure it's not late. I pull up as the big gates open "good afternoon Sir" I drive to the entrance.

I get out of the car and walk inside "pack a suitcase for Emma and I, right now" I shout as I see maids hurry off to my room "EMILY!" I lean on wall with my arms crossed. She may be my sister but if you mess with my life then there's going to be consequences "what happened?" she walks out of kitchen with a dish cloth in her hands.

"pack your bags and get out of my house" I simply tell her. All this totally explains why her eyes held regret each time she looked at me "what are you saying, Leo? Are we going somewhere?" I nod and see one of the maids bring Emma down "I'm heading to Chicago but you-" I point at her as I take Emma in my arms "are finding your own place to stay" I walk out of the house as she runs after me "I don't understand what's going on!" I put Emma in the car "what's going on daddy?" I brush her hair out of her face "nothing baby, just be a good girl okay?" she smiles and nods.

I shut her door and face Emily "you messed with my life and you interfered with the love of my life so fuck off" her eyes go wide and tears spill "how..... Di" she stutters "you don't need to know that, just get the fuck out of my house!"

I grab the 3 bags from the maids hand who watches us with eyes big as saucers, I throw it in the back seat and get into the driver's side. I drive out of the driveway but stop as I see Madden "you fired!" he looks at me in shock. I drive off and smile, he was the one who helped Kathleen and Emily because he always seemed to have a thing for Kathleen and he was the weak one amongst all with woman.

"where are we going dad?" my little girl asks, rubbing her eyes "we going to meet a woman who is important to me" she smiles and nods "a mummy?" I laugh and shrug "maybe"

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