Chapter 3

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"why don't we stop here for the night?" I look at my phone and see it's 2 in the morning "good idea" another yawn escapes my lips as I drive onto the grass, I switch the car off and turn to Isaac "we'll tell Sean and Sam to meet us here" he nods and puts the heater on "you can sleep in the back, I'll sleep here" I shake my head "both of us can fit in the back, Isaac and I don't mind" he smiles as he hopes in the back "I won't argue with you because I'm tired as hell" once he lays down, I jump in the back and place my body next to his "thanks for today Isaac" I whisper as my eyes start to feel really heavy and I only realize now that I'm really tired "no problem, Ava" his hot breath fans onto my ears as I shiver but suddenly Isaac wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me more into him, I'm about to protest but he beats me from talking "I'm keeping both of us warm, bodies radiates heat" a small smile creeps onto my face as I hum out a response "goodnight" I mumble, sleep overcoming me.

"as she turned her back towards him, they realized they were never meant to be" Leo shuts the book "the end" he whispers, I look at him in shock "they never end up together" he looks up at me while adjusting his glasses "they were never meant to be" he shrugs his shoulders "but the whole damn book was based on them" I sigh as I lean onto the bark of the tree "yeah but-" he sits up and entwines our hands together "not everyone is meant to stay together, they sometimes just a chapter in your life" I nod and look away because soon I'll be a chapter in his life "what you going tonight?" he asks me, I smile, I changed him although he changed me as well "you never go out at night, Leo" he grins and places a kiss on my temple "who said I'm going out?" I smirk at him as I lay my head on his shoulder "well, Mr. nerd, I'm going to be free" he smiles down at me and puts his chin on my head, brushing his fingers down my hair "be ready by 6 but dress up casual"


"you done?" Isaac calls out, I quickly hook my bra on and pull my dress on "done" I stumble out of the car as he turns around "I'll change now" I nod as I stand behind the car, leaning my back on the boot and looking at the empty roads, the car door opens as I turn to look at Isaac "you done already?" when my eyes met the view, I feel like I need bleach to wash my eyes that have been cursed "AHHH" I scream as I turn around and block my eyes "WHY DID YOU LOOK?" he yells at me as I hear him shut the car door again "You didn't tell me you were naked!" I bump up and down on my feet "BUT I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO LOOK! NOW YOU SAW MY INNOCENT BODY!!" he mimics a girl as I grin but quickly go back to the current situation "shut up!" I hear him laugh "I dropped my boxers so I had to get it" I roll my eyes "could you not ask me to pass it to you" I hear him chuckle "you would have still seen me" I tap my foot on the grass "I would have not because I would have my eyes closed, you dick head"

I hear the car door open once again but I quickly keep my eyes closed "you can open your eyes now" I feel his hot breath on my face as I shake my head "I don't trust you" I take my lip in my mouth and cross my arms, he grabs my hand but I still keep my eyes closed, he puts my hand on his chest as I feel his heart beats "you still don't trust me" this makes me snap my eyes open, I look at him as he stares down at me, his pitch black eyes which I always wonder why is it so black? He starts leaning down "Isaac" I whisper as I pull away, his eyes widen and comes to grab my hands but I move away "I'm not ready to be in a relationship" I mumble "Ava, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, I just got to caught up in the moment, please believe me! I promise I didn't know what I was doing"

He grabs onto my arm and spins me around, holding my shoulders "I'm also not ready for a relationship Ava and we just got to know each other and we friends but I wouldn't mind if we have to become something in the future but the point I'm trying to pass here is that, I respect you and wouldn't do anything to you that you don't want" I smile and hug him "thank you" he wraps his arms around me, securing me "no problem, beautiful"

I pull away as he smiles down at me "is Sean on his way?" I nod as he pulls me by the boot as we both hop on and relax, it's such a nice day because it's nether hot or cold. I love weathers like this "how is your eyes so black?" I question him, swinging my legs back and forth "Um..... It's naturally black" I look at him confused "Isaac-" I get interrupted "Sean is here" I look at Isaac as I see him gulp, I hop down from the boot and start walking to the truck but I pick up on something that I think I was not supposed to hear "thank God for Sean"

I look ahead of me as I see Sean and Sam get out of the truck, I smile at them but my mind is somewhere else. Is Isaac hiding something? Is he really who is says he is? Does he have another agenda?

WHO is the real Isaac Stone?

His Past, Her Future: Forbidden Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora