Chapter 6

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I'm about to move away but his dips down, placing his lips on mine. I freeze as my body becomes hot, I feel his mouth move against mine but I can't move, I'm just frozen. He soon pulls away and I see his eyes widen "I'm.... So... Sorry" guilt flows through me as he turns to walk away but I grab his hand "wait" he turns around and looks down "I'm sorry about that Ava" I shake my head, closing the space between us "you a nice guy, Isaac. Any girl would love to date you and I can't deny that but I just got out of a relationship-" I start laughing when I say that "sorry, it was not a relationship but anyways what my point is-" I grab his hand and get on my tippy toes, placing my lips on his and pulling away "I'm ready to give this a try"

A smile makes its way on his face as he takes my hand and walks back, I look at him confused but when his a meter away, he yanks me into him, my back touching his chest "I may also not be ready for a relationship, I got a lot of things hidden and my past may not be the best but I promise you Ava, I'll try my best to make you happy but before we take things further-"

He puts his lips near my ear "it would be best if we get to know each other better" I smile and spin around, nodding "good idea, now let's take a walk on the beach"

I grab his hand, entwining it together. I see a smile appear on his face as we both walk towards the beach "hold on" I bend down, taking out my shoes and holding it in my hand "done?" I ask him, he nods and carries his combat boots in his hand. Once my feet hits the ice cold sand, I dig my feet deeper "this feels so nice" he nods as we walk towards the water, hand in hand "now, would you tell me why your eyes are so black?" he gulps and this confirms that, that's not his real eye colour.

Every time I bring the topic up, he gets nervous. He keeps quite until we reach the water, our legs dipped in it "I'm not the person you think you know, Ava" I look at him as he stares out in the open sea "we all have a past but what if we have a past that may live as long as I live for or for Christ sake it's still going to be here even when I die"

He sighs and drops down to the ground, leaving his feet in the water, I place myself next to him "take your time" I whisper as he bows his head down "when I joined the gang at the age of 13 Ava, I thought it was a better option rather than living on the streets but it was worst and I should of rather lived on the streets than getting involved in something that holds me back from many things" he glances at me as I stare at him "after going drug dealing with this gang, I got caught up with the mafia. Soon, I got a better opportunity so I joined the mafia. One of the biggest mafia in the world 'Blood Sinister' once I joined them, I was forced to do a lot of horrible stuff-" he looks at me with regret in his eyes "things that no person will ever want to do, things that are inhumane and now" he runs a hand through his hair "I'm on the run" he puts his hand in his eye as I look at him weirdly "and I'm hiding my identity" I look down at his finger as my eyes widen, black contacts sat on his finger.

I look up at him in shock as his blue eye meets mine "I'm not the person you think I am"

"we all not the person others think we are, Isaac. I also have a past but I know my past will not be coming back" I give off a soft laugh as he looks at me confused "on the 21st of June 2017, I was rapped by a guy named Theo Fernandez. He has been obsessed with me and he stalked me until he made his move, he attacked my whole family and that bastard got his men to rape my mother and I until my mother fell unconscious due to loss of blood but he didn't spare her life, he shot her straight afterwards. They shot my dad next and once he was done with me-" I take a deep breath in as I feel Isaac wrap his arm around my waist "he banged my head hard on the tile, making me have a concussion and that's how I lost my memory. He came back for me in New York but Leonardo shot him"

I smile and turn to Isaac "you will get through this, everyone gets through their past but it takes time"

He leans in, placing his thumb on my face and wipes a tear away that I didn't know I even released "you are a strong woman, Ava" we both turn our heads towards the beach as we enjoy the view. I lean my head on his shoulder as he caresses my waist, I was comfortable with him and the most important thing is that we could sit in silence without feeling awkward.

I look up when I feel his eyes on me and see his both contacts were out and he has placed it in his free hand which is slowly closing "wouldn't it get damaged?" I ask him but he opens his hand and once the water comes forward, he dips his hand in and the black contacts that once covered his eyes and became apart of him, faded into the sea "don't worry, I got another set at home" I chuckle as he smiles down at me "thank you" I frown "for what?" he shakes his head "I just needed to thank you"

I smile and close my eyes, enjoying this moment but my throat tightens because this reminds me exactly of the time Leonardo found me crying on the beach, I may have told Isaac that we move on from our past and it takes time but I actually doubt if that's true or not.

Our silence breaks when I hear my phone ringing, Isaac pulls it out from his jeans pocket "your brother" I nod and answer the call "where are y'all?" he sounds so worried and this makes me feel guilty but then I hear a cat howling in the back "I told you to leave them alone! They having a special moment!" I laugh and Sean just sighs "are you safe? That's all I want to know" I smile "yes, I'm fine" he hangs up quickly when I hear Samantha swearing him.

"everything okay?" Isaac asks me, I nod and pass him my phone while we continue sitting in silence and enjoying the view. I glance at Isaac as I admire his blue eyes, it was so dark yet bright and it had a deeper meaning towards it 'secrets'

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