Chapter 9

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I pull my nude color dress over my body, slide my heels on and set my curls behind my ears. I smile and take in my appearance, I don't look bad. It's finally Monday and back to work, Sean has already left but he said that once we arrive he will show us around.
I remember dad's company but things have changed.

I walk downstairs, collecting the BMW keys and walking outside, last night Samantha went back to her house but she will be back tonight but she's not staying. I reverse out of the garage and park the car in front of the entrance, I put my sunglasses on and wait for Isaac.

I switch the air conditioner on and set the GPS on my lap, today is really hot and I can't lie but I'm sweating already. My head snaps to the direction of the house when I hear the sound of footsteps and my jaw drops. You know in movies or books, you have that moment when someone makes an entrance but damn can Isaac make an entrance.

A black suit fitted him, showing his biceps and his black button up shirt showed of his defined abs. A gold stone sits on his tie and his hair is messy, he walks down the steps in such a way that any girl will want to bow and kiss those steps.

I look at his face and the confidence he held was so amusing, I never seen him dressed up so formal. When he catches me staring at him, he smirks "I look hot, don't I?" a grin presents itself on my face as he opens the door "you really do" he bits his lip, making the piecing on his lip move "Sean lent me this suit in the morning, he said that I can use his suits until I can get my own" I look down at his feet to see combat boots "and shoes" he laughs and runs a hand through his hair, opening the first few buttons on his shirt "Sean is a size 7 and I'm a size 9"

I quickly make a mental note to take him to the mall and get him new clothing, I drive out of the driveway and wave a goodbye to the guard "I'm nervous" he mumbles, his leg bounces up and down and he keeps biting his lip "your lip might bleed so stop it and don't worry everything will go fine.... Plus you are my secretary so what's the issue?"

I stop at a red robot and tap the steering wheel "I know I don't deserve this position, Ava" I sigh and lean my head on the steering wheel, taking a deep breath in and out, it's really hot today "we spoke about this last night and I'm you boss so you listen to me" he stretches out and puts an arm on my seat "I like a woman in control" he whispers.

"and I'm feeling really hot today, the hot weather and I are allergic to each other so..... I'm in no mood of getting annoyed" I hit the accelerator as the robot turns green and I speed down the road "aww I love the way you get annoyed by me, it's so damn  satisfying" I groan out and ignore him. Why did it have to be so hot today!?

I see the familiar building come in view, the same one I have left behind "it's huge" I laugh and go to the entrance, the guards look at the car confused, I roll down my window and their eyes go wide "Miss Carter?" I smirk and take my glasses out "good morning guys and it's nice to meet y'all again" they smile and open the gates.

I drive to the section where the bosses park their vehicles, I see Sean's car and next to it is my name. Sean never removed it. I park and get out of the car "let's go" Isaac walks next to me as I hook my glasses on my dress. I walk to the entrance and everyone’s eyes widen, jaws drop and people start whispering. Isaac smirks because he knows all the ladies are just getting hot looking at him.

The cool air in the building is really helping with the sweat. I walk to the elevator and press the button "I love the attention" I hear Isaac whisper "don't worry, they will be all on top of you soon" we enter the elevator once the doors open "what number did Sean say we must meet him on?" I ask Isaac, not quite remembering "39" I look behind us and see an old man "floor 39, my darling granddaughter" my eyes water when I see my mother's father "pa" he opens his arms out for me as I hug him "how are you my angel?" he pats my head and I pull away from the hug "I'm good pa and you? Where have you been all this time?"

After the accident, Pa Matthew was in Italy to visit his best friend who was at the last stage of cancer and I haven't seen him since. We couldn't even get a hold of him because Pa never carried a phone and we never knew anyone in Italy "ah I'm getting too old now anyways when Sean went to visit you in New York, I stayed back here to keep the company in tact, I was always here Ava but you never recognized me" my eyes widen "you were here?" he nods and I hear I cough behind me "should I press the button?" Isaac asks, awkwardly, I smile and nod.

"Sean got a hold of me when the family decided to leave y'all so I flew down and that's the time when you were in hospital but you never remembered me" I smile and hug him once again, pa and I have always been close. He loved me the most between all of our cousins and he always treated Sean and I fairly rather then the others and he may be an old man but his one clever one.

The elevator doors open, making us break the moment "let's go see your brother" we all walk out of the elevator and I just couldn't concentrate on anything else but I was just so happy that I finally get to see pa again "your brother is going to get so irritated with me, I suppose to leave but now I'm back" he let's out a soft laugh and leans on me as he leads the way. I see a desk come in view and a brunette sitting behind it, she looks up and smiles at me and I knew that Sean must have mentioned me coming.

"Hi, I'm Darcie Phillips, Mr. Carters secretary and I'll take you to his office" pa raises his hand, stopping her "don't worry Darcie, I'll take her" she smiles and sits back down. I look back to see Isaac standing there lost "come here" he looks at me and shakes his head "it's not my place to be here" he turns around to walk away but pa stops him "son" Isaac freezes and spins on his heels, turning to look us "Sean has told me everything about you and that you will be working here now so-" pa walks over to Isaac and puts an arm around his shoulder "whoever works here and takes care of my Ava, I consider them family"

Isaac looks shocked as he looks at me but pa holds his hand out "welcome to the family, son"

——————————————————Merry Christmas to all my fellow readers!🎅 Hope you all have an amazing day and 🎄

Believe in the magic of Christmas 😇

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