Chapter 15

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I smile and remove her hand "listen, I'm not angry or anything-" I look back at the guy, Leonardo, if I didn't see his picture I wouldn't have recognized him "you both need to talk and I'll be right outside" she frowns and nods "you have so much trust in me?" she said it more than a question than a statement "you don't even want to know" I wink at her as I walk out of the room.

I walk up to Darcie "have the day off today, go home and relax. I'll take care of things here" I sit on the desk and look inside the office "are you sure?" I nod as she smiles and collects her bags and walks out, I know I can't dismiss staff but I doubt Ava is going to be working today. I sigh and watch Ava and Leonardo talk, she shakes her head and I see a small figure on Leonardo's shoulder. How the hell couldn't I see that!? Is that his sister?

I look at both of them and they make such a great couple. I see Leonardo explaining something and he rests his hand on her shoulder, she leans back onto the desk and lowers her head. I think after this I know who she is going to choose, me obviously..... Just kidding, it's definitely going to be Leonardo I mean he can give her the life she deserves. He has the money, the looks but I highly doubt he has the personality.

I look away and hear my phone ring once again, I answer the call when I see Roberts name "what now?" I rub a hand down my face and set it on my leg "you need to run Isaac and I'm serious......." he continues talking but I drift of, I look at Leonardo and Ava and see her smiling, she puts her hand out and grabs onto the little girl and I see her laughing...... Leonardo stands next to both of them and smiles down at the little girl in Ava's arms.

"I'll run by tonight" I say without hesitating "good, I'll text you an address and you can meet me there" I hang up and put my head in my hands, it will be easier to run now since Ava will choose Leonardo. My heart clutched but I ignore the pain, as long as she's happy, I will be happy. He just needs to take good care of her and love her endlessly because she's definitely something else.

——————————————————I dangle my legs of the table and swing it sideways, they have been in there for over 30 minutes now. I start playing candy crush on my phone and hear a door open, I look up and meet a smiling Ava. Leonardo follows behind her with the little girl holding his hand and walking side by side with him.

I give them a smile and Ava walks up to me, I hop down from the table, I run a hand through my hair, she's about to talk but I beat her to it "I know what you going to say Ava and I'm happy with your decision. As long as you love him and he loves you then I'm happy" I walk up to Leonardo who grins at me "take care of her" I spin on my heels, I grab my bag that I left on the desk before I could enter Sean's office. I walk away from them and head towards the stairs but Leonardo's voice stops me "dude..... Why do I need to take care of her?" I spin around, confusion written all over my face "what?"

Ava smiles and walks up to me, her blue hair bouncing with every step she takes, she grabs my face and places her lips on mine. I'm taken back and push her away "you can't do that!" she just got back with Leonardo and here she is kissing me "why? Why can't I kiss my boyfriend?" I freeze and stare at her in bewilderment "what?" I ask her in shock.

She wraps her arms around my neck "you the one I want Isaac Stone. I'm going to stick around and be up your ass 24/7 because trust me, I'm not going anywhere" I drop my bag and pull her into me, I tighten my arms around her waist as tears form in my eyes.... I quickly push them away so I don't look like a complete douche bag.

I look at Leonardo and see him walking towards us, I pull away from Ava and look at them confused "why?" I ask both of them, Leonardo puts a hand on my shoulder "bro, I drove all the way from New York here for 2 days....... Even after telling this woman that she still choose you, just be happy and I wouldn't let her go so easily but if she wants you, what can I do"

Ava smiles and kisses the little girls head "you have to visit me, hey" the girl grins and claps her hand "I will!" she shouts out. Leonardo picks her up and looks at Ava and I "be happy guys" a tear falls from his eye but he disappears down the staircase. I feel super bad and I know that would have been me. Ava's arms wrap around me, I turn around and she places a kiss on my neck "I'll be honest with you, it was not easy but in the end..... You the guy I want"

I take in Leonardo's words 'just be happy' "where is Darcie?" she lifts her head of my chest and looks around, I rub my neck "I kind of told her to take the day off" she shakes her head and laughs. I smile and put a strand of blue hair behind her ear, I lean down and hug her "thank you, Miss Ava Carter"


"Ava" I call out her name once the guy walks out of the office "why are you here?" she lowers her head and I walk closer to her "I found out everything, Ava" she laughs and throws her head back "it's basically 4 months after the accident..... I don't really care anymore" my eyes soften at her reaction, I put my hand on her shoulder "please don't behave like this" she leans on the desk behind her and crosses her arms "Leo, when you strangled me I didn't tell you to please stop this behaviour..... Did I?"

Her gaze sets on Emma who has her head up listening to everything "I'm sorry" Ava apologizes but I shake my head "don't be, I should be apologizing and I'm so sorry for everything. I shut myself out for 4 months, Ava and I only got back to work 2 days ago when I found out the truth about Kathleen, she heard us that day when we both were in my office and she decided to fake the pregnancy which Emily helped with..... She also got Theo in the house easily"

Ava looks at me in shock "what's the fu-" she stops as she realizes Emma is still in the room "go on" she clears her throat "Blake knew all about it, he tried to tell me about it after I found out Kathleen died but I locked myself away.......after I found out the truth, I kicked Emily out and then I came to get you" she looks up at me and shakes her head "it's too late Leo, the night of the accident I met a guy, a guy who has been there for me for the past couple of months and even though he knows I still love you...... He didn't mind falling in love with me"

I look at her in shock and my mind becomes boggled "yes I can't let you go so easily Leonardo but I'm ready to try and you should do the same. I will always remember you, I will never forget you but this isn't a fairy tale book where I will end up with the first guy I fell in love with" I feel my body become weak and all of a sudden Emma feels heavy on me. I shut my eyes for a few minutes and open it, forcing a smile on my face "I understand"

She smiles and looks down "so.... We will still keep in contact, right?" I nod and keep a grin on my face "yeah, I'll miss you though" I tell her wholeheartedly "same but we have to keep in contact.... Things maybe weird but we were good friends before we dated" I let out a dry laugh and walk near her, handing Emily to her because my body feels like jelly "hello darling" Ava and Emily start talking to each other while I stand there, taking in everything that Ava told me.

I force myself to smile and not let Ava see what I really feel but if she is happy with her decision then I don't mind giving her to another man because it's all about her happiness "how did she come about?" I look at Ava and realize I drifted off, I see Emma playing with Ava's phone and she wasn't paying attention to me "one night stand" I whisper, I look at Emma to see if she paid heard of anything but she's too busy on the phone "oh" she says.

I put a smile on my face as I grab Ava's phone and hand it to her "we should leave now" she nods and walks out of the office with Emma and I right behind her. I put on the best fake smile anyone can see and hold my head up high and I keep repeating to myself if she is happy then I'm happy.

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