Chapter 19

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"when can I meet this Isaac dude personally?" she winks at me as I roll my eyes "when we get back to the hotel, you can meet him" I take the last sip of my coffee "I don't even know how I didn't notice him next to you" I currently undated Maddie about the last few months of my life except I left out the issues with the mafia "you done?" I ask her, she nods and stands up "I'll pay, you go get the car" I shake my head and hold my hand out stopping her "take this as an apology"

I pay up and we both walk outside the Cafe "so why did Isaac and you decide to come down here?" time to use the lie I have been planning in my head "just a gateway from everything" she hums and winks "I know what you mean" I rather let her think we on some lust holiday than a runaway from the mafia.

We get into the car and I drive of back to the hotel "where do you stay?" I ask her. I turn the volume down on the radio "10 minutes away from the hotel" I take a right "must I drop you of at home?" she shakes her head and claps her hand, something she does when she's always excited "nope, I have to see Isaac" I smile when I think of him, I hope his still not upset.

I see a hair salon come in view as I quickly take a U-turn and park in front of the salon "what's going on?" I touch my blue hair thinking back to what Isaac said "you might want to come in because this is going to take long" I laugh and get out of the car, she follows behind me confused "what do you mean?" a frown presents itself on her face as I lock the car "Isaac tends to love colours on my hair so I'm going to recolour it"

I step into the salon and immediately seat myself on the chair "ma'am do you have an appointment?" I narrow my eyes at her and she quivers back "get to work" I tell her, she grabs a towel and wraps it around my neck "cut till my shoulder and recolour it silver" I smirk, his going to love it.

I look to my side and see Maddie getting her hair done as well. She smiles at me as I smile back. I play games on my phone as the lady starts cutting my hair, I never receive any messages from Isaac..... Is he not worried where I might be? I mentally face palm myself when I realize my mobile data is switched off, switching it back on my phone freezes as it keeps vibrating.

It finally stops and I see 27 messages from Isaac, I smile and tap on it but my eyes immediately go wide and my phone slips out of my hand, everybody turns to look at me and Maddie rushes out of her seat "is everything okay?" she goes to grab my phone but I quickly beat her to it "yeah I'm fine" I clear my throat "my phone just slipped" she smiles and walks back to take her seat "ma'am I'm going to strip your hair and then put the colour" I just nod and wave her off.

"act normal and don't course a scene, if you do I will shoot your boyfriend" I grit my teeth and quickly reply back "fuck you!" a picture pops up and I immediately spin myself around "you won't be able to see me so don't try" he just fucking sent me a picture of myself in the salon "what do you want?" I wait for a reply as I tap my foot impatiently "I like the colour that you putting, it suits you now getting to the point BITCH meet me at the penthouse in an hour" I try to reply to the message but it's not going through.

I look up and notice that she already added the colour to my hair, I didn't even notice "I need you to wash this off right now" I whisper trying to not everyone's attention and not let Maddie notice what's going on "but-" I grip her arm "you have to do what I say" she quickly grabs my hand and pulls me to the sink, she starts rinsing my hair.

"the number Sean gave Isaac" I mumble "what is that ma'am?" she's getting on my nerves "mind your own business" she starts drying my hair with a towel but I pull away and run to Maddie "I need to go, something important came up.... Take a Uber" she's about to question me but I run out of the salon.

I ring up Sean and put him on Bluetooth "Ava are you okay?" I speed down the road and it's so much easier to miss red robots because the roads are quite "I need the number you gave Isaac" I try to hide the worry behind my voice but I simply fail to do so "I'll phone him don't worry, just give me the address quickly and he will be there"

I give him the address to the hotel "I know something is wrong Ava, be careful" I hang up after saying goodbye and park far away from the hotel. I tie my wet hair into a bun and lean forward, resting my hands on the steering wheel and looking at the entrance of the hotel. My phone starts ringing and I quickly answer when I see Sean's name "Ava there's a problem" my hope that I have left starts fading "the guy that I know his in France now"

I drop my head in my hands "they got Isaac, Sean" I hear him sigh "I'll drive there now just wait for me" I block out Sean when I see a car pull up at the hotel and Isaac gets out first with a girl holding his waist, I look closer and notice a gun on his side. More men start coming but Vincent is no where to be found, a guy with a red suit exits the car and he tucks a gun in his waist band "Salvatore" I whisper "what?" I hear Sean, I come back to my senses "they got him Sean, I can see them and if you drive here now it's a two hour drive you will not make it on time"

He sighs "just leave Ava, there is nothing you can do" I yank my hair open because it starts pulling "I can't, I have to do what I came here for..... I love you Sean" I hang up and get out of the car, throwing my phone to the ground smashing it. I could have easily just called the police but the mafia owns the police that's why they not in jail.

I walk into the hotel with my head held up high. I walk into the elevator, I'm nervous. I have no weapon on me nor do I have any back up. The elevator opens and I push open the penthouse door immediately coming into view with Salvatore show no fear "Salvatore!" I smirk and walk up to him, shaking his hand. Isaac sits in the corner while looking at me confused "Miss Ava Carter" I smile as he kisses my hand I really want to smash his head on a glass table "nice to finally meet you-" I sit down on the couch and get WERID looks from everyone in the room "I heard a lot about you" I state and cross my legs.

I can see the confusion on his face but it's quickly vanishes "let's cut to the chase hey" I nod and point at him "you the mafia guy here so you make the decision, why you asking me?" he raises his eyebrow but ignores my comment "anyways-" I cut him off "I'm so rude" I stand up and walk to the kitchen but Salvatore rushes to my side, grabbing my hand "what happened?" I give him puppy dog eyes and lick my lip seductively, he looks down at my lip and then my eyes got you bitch "what are you going to do?" he pulls away and blocks his pants, I have him right where I need him "I was going to get you all something to drink and some snacks"

I glance at Isaac and see him smirking, he knows what I'm doing "I need the bathroom" he quickly says "let me show you the way" I grab his hand and dig my nails into his skin, I hear him moan and I roll my eyes "here" I show him the bathroom and bite my lips. He bangs the door opens and walks in, I start laughing but I have to try to get my plan done as soon as possible.

"do you guys want some juice or so?" I shake my but as I walk past them "yes please" I hear most of them say "okay" I smile, I enter the kitchen and grab glasses, I bang them on the island making sure to make noise. I run to the phone and dial 9 "The white Pearl what would your service be?" I look behind me to check if anyone is around "it's Ava here the girl who fought with you, get Maddie on the line now" I hear someone grab the phone "Ava! What happened? Are you okay?" I open the fridge and start pouring juice "I need you to call my brother right now" I give her his number and start putting biscuits on plates "tell him to get Vincent's number from his friend and he has to call you back and you have to give me the number"

I hang up and walk out with glasses in my hand, I see Salvatore standing in the corner sweating "Salvatore why don't you help me?" he looks up, biting his nails "okay" he follows behind me as I hand him some glasses to carry. I'm about to walk out but he slips his hand around my waist "perfect" he smacks my but as I feel steam come out of my ear, control Ava "we can't do anything in front of your men......we have to wait" I wink at him and if I could vomit, I would.

I hand everyone their juice and stand there with my arms crossed, Isaac looks at me but I give him a smile making him know I got a plan, Salvatore stands in the corner eyeing me and all his men are all distracted. Just wait and watch Salvatore, I got you right where I want you.

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