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"this is all your fault!" she flings a frying pan at me, I duck down avoiding the hot frying pan "babe.... Please-" a spoon flies in my direction missing my head. My eyes go wide and I immediately regret getting her pregnant "I hate you" she falls to her knees, bringing her big eight month year old belly down with her.

I walk towards her bending down "I'm sorry my love" I kiss her head as she wipes her snooty nose on my t-shirt "I look ugly and my hair is oily" I suck my lips in, disguising my laugh "you not ugly babe, you beautiful" I lift her head up, looking at her red eyes "really?" I nod, giving her another kiss "yes, you are really beautiful"

She smiles and snuggles into my chest. I pick her up almost tripping "where are you taking me?" she sniffs as more tears fall from her eyes "don't cry my love, I'm taking you to our room" I carry her up the stairs. I kick our bedroom door open, walking to our undone bed I place her down "get some rest baby girl" she smiles and turns to her side, snuggling into the pillow next to her.

I walk back downstairs, heading to the kitchen and grabbing the broom and dust pan. I sigh and get to work. Ava has been tough lately but I can't blame her, she has been so restless for the past few weeks. I feel really bad for her, she just got maternity leave last week and Ava loves her job so she also blames me on that.

I throw all the dirt in the bin and head into my office. When Ava and I moved to France, she immediately got the job because she already had the opportunity waiting for her but I on the other hand, could not find any job for myself. So, after a year of sitting and been lazy I decided to open up my own clothing brand. It has been a great success within the 5 years of having it open and currently we expanding my brand 'STONE'  into other countries.

Our first international establishment will be in America, I'm so glad everything is going well with the business because at first the business was not doing well at all but after a couple of months it has grown its name. Ava's job opportunity lasted for only 6 months because she got bored of been in the business field so she jumped into been a professor at Damkate College. She's doing really well and all her students love and adore her.

When she found out she was pregnant, she was so excited until when it started getting close to her due date. She started feeling these horrible pains in her stomach and one day when I got home I found her unconscious on the bedroom floor, I rushed her to our doctor, Dr Acel, he gave us bad news that Ava would not be able to give birth naturally because it would be a risk.

It's was heart-breaking to hear this but we made it through..... More like I made it through. She still gets emotional and wonders how her delivery will be but I'm always right by her side giving her encouragement and hope.

I always look back to my past thinking about how the hell did I get here, married for seven and half years and our first child is on its way, I opened up my own clothing business and managed to buy a 3 story house. It's been a long ride with Ava and I but I'm so happy that I get the opportunity to spend my life with her.

After our baby girl is born, we planning to go back to Chicago to spend some time with Sean and Sam, unfortunately Sam got bad news after her three miscarriages that she can't have a baby so they adopted two pretty little girls who they named, Bella and Jolie. Bella is turning 4 in five months and Jolie has already turned 2. They both so adorable and by adopting them, Samantha got out of her depression because they keep her really happy.

I sigh, leaning back on my office chair. Work has not been easy lately but I don't trouble Ava with work issues, she needs to focus on herself and on our baby. I close my eyes, getting comfortable on the chair.


I sit up, stretching out my hands. I'm so sweaty! I throw the covers of me and stand up but find myself falling straight back to bed, this baby is going to be the death of me. I use the bed as support and try lifting myself of the bed once again, I succeed. Where is Isaac? I rub my tummy as I walk down the stairs "babe!"

I look around the kitchen to find that he has tidied up. I smile and walk around the house trying to find him. I feel really bad for him because he has to always put up with my nonsense and he doesn't complain but he tells me that 'everything will be okay' he is taking such good care of me and I honestly can't ask for anything more, because Isaac is my everything.

"Isaac!" I push open his office door and see him sleeping. I smile and walk up to him "babe, wake up" I shake him up as his eyes slowly flatter open "you okay!?" he stands up quickly as he loses his balance, I grab his arm steadying him "babe, relax I'm fine" I wrap my arms around him. I feel so bad, he hasn't been resting lately and that's because of his work and me.

"did you have a good sleep?" I nod and rub my hands on his back "I don't need you to always worry about me, I'm fine and so is our baby" I pull away, going on tippy toes and kissing him "let's go to bed" he nods as I take his hand in mine. We both exit his office, closing the door behind us and walking upstairs "remind me again, why did you buy a 3 story house?" I question, ready for his stupid answer.

He leans down, placing his hand on my tummy and putting his cold lips above my ear "because baby, we not only having one kid but many more in the near future" I roll my eyes "keep dreaming" I pull away, walking ahead of him "come on, I know you want too" I smile when I know his busy smirking "flip you" I show him the middle finger as I waddle into our room "oh I'm going to get you" I gulp and take up waddling around the room.

His laughter and mine mix together as we create a unique sound, a sound that I would love to hear every damn day of my life. When our child is born, I will treasure her and show her the love that I missed out because I know what's it's like to not have a mother or father around. I have come so far in life and I conquered so many obstacles that arise, I'm so ready for more.

As for Isaac, he can dream of his rugby field of kids because I aren't having another child anytime soon...... Let's hope. I love the life I'm living because in the end, I fought to be where I am and I love my husband and my kids, one which is in me and the other which is in heaven. I don't hate my past because my past brought me here, where I stand today. My past taught me so many lessons in life and it has made me such an independent woman, my past lives with me but I'm moving to my future because I'm welcoming a new member to the family, Rose....... My mother's name.

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