23 : The Act

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Song : Marijuana - Rilès

sensitive topics and scenes in this chapter. please read with caution.

Bullying Evangeline wasn't anything new

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Bullying Evangeline wasn't anything new.

In fact, Zarek used to bully her ever since she rejected him for the Spring Ball last year. Zarek wasn't one to dress up and go to a school dance but he was willing to try for Eva, but she hurt his ego after she didn't even consider going with him, denying the offer in a heartbeat. He was Zarek Black, for hell's sake, she shouldn't have said no to him.

He didn't want to bully her voluntarily, at least not at first. He didn't trip her the first time, it was totally her fault for being clumsy. He didn't knock off her books, his friends pushed him towards her. And he definitely wouldn't have mouthed her off if she wasn't so stubborn.

Yet it brought a sickingly nice feeling to Zarek. When he saw her hurting, he felt like she deserved it - it was payback for bruising his self-esteem. She never stood up for herself, and Zarek wanted to see just to what extent Eva's patience could reach. Soon enough, it became routine to bully her. Zarek became dull to her tears and pain, and just hurt her because he felt like it.

Now, he might have got her in trouble with the administration - and probably her mother too - and he didn't care, he kept telling himself.

As Zarek stormed away from Evangeline, he couldn't deny the feeling that was cursing through his nicotine polluted veins. He couldn't identify that nagging sensation other than it being guilt. How can it be? Zarek stopped feeling guilty ages ago, why would he feel bad about tormenting Evangeline?

Whatever speck of feelings Zarek might have felt vanished the second his electric green eyes caught sight of Evangeline laughing with Ashton. Both of them were seated too close from each other, Ashton's dangling hand was on his knee, almost touching Eva's thigh.

Zarek roared with rage, his hands fisting on their own. Ryan, and now Ashton too? he thought, What a whore.

Evangeline deserved much, much, worse than a threat. If there was anything Zarek hated more than sluts, it was sluts in disguise. There she was, Evangeline, the sweet, religious girl, playing with the heart of three boys, including his own. Zarek felt disgusted with her and couldn't stand the sight of her.

He headed to the school's parking lot, sitting atop of his Mustang's hood. He took a deep breath, calming his nerves. His body refused the technique, its fast pulse demanding nicotine.

To the hell with it. Zarek got out his Nat Sherman, noticing that only three cigarettes were left. He took one and lightened it, his first inhale desperate and a bit needy. He was immediately relieved, his eyes closing at the satisfaction of the poisonous tobacco in his body.

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