Chapter 2 Letter Received

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Third POV:

Anastasia wakes up in her nightgown to try on her crown and get ready for the day.While she is putting on her Tasha Dress a maid knocks and says the Dowager wanted to see her in the study. Anastasia enters the study where she sees Dmitri sat down and her grandmother sat down also with a letter in her hands. "Grandma you requested me","Here Anastasia read the letter".

Anya POV:

I took the letter and read it says "Dear grandma  it's me Alexei I heard Nastya is alive along with you. Me and Maria thought you both was dead so we stayed together in New York for a little while until I was sixteen, when she got married and moved to the suburbs leaving me in this penthouse. I goes by Alex Roman for the past decade, I hope to see you and Nastya soon either in New York or Paris. See you later grandma and I love you Nastya. Signed Alexei Romanov". It is him he would always call me Nastya. "Anastasia I want you and Dmitri to go to New York City and find Alexei","Alright we will go". I runs out to go pack and gets ready.

Alexei POV:

I never sent the letter to the harbor out, because I didn't want to be disappointed if they was fake. I sees Maria come in pregnant and sat down in front of me."Alexei I read your letter are you certain it them"," I'm sure of it". I look out at the rainy New York skyline hoping that it's them.  

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