Chapter 4 Arrival in New York and Meeting Alexei

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Anastasia POV:

We got off the ship at New York Harbor, and started waiting for the car to begin the search for Alexei.The car arrive and we got in and drove off. Dmitri sent a guard to ask for Alex Roman address."the guard said he lives on 4th Avenue in one of the penthouses there","Let's go then", we started driving again til we got to Fourth Avenue and found a parking place to begin the search on foot. I watch as people were looking at me in shock, and then bowing. We went into every apartment lobby asking for Alex Roman, except for one."This better be the one or someone lying","Don't get your hope up Anya". We walk in and ask, it is the right one. We then proceeded to the elevator and goes up it stops and we got out. We then went to the door and knock and a maid answer and we said is Alex Roman home.

Alexei POV:

The maid went to answer the door, and came back saying people was requesting to see me and I told her to bring them to the seating room. I went to the window and look out;then I turn around and saw a brown hair, blue eyes women in a yellow dress with a crown looking at me while I watched shock. I utters one word "Nastya" and I said it again louder and ran to her hugging her sobbing uncontrollably, while I hear her says Ayosha repeating it hugging me.

Anastasia POV:

I can't believe it, it's really him;we then proceeded to get on the floor hugging each other crying. We then move ourselves and my entourage to the couch. "Alexei I can't believe you are alive how did you escaped","dad put me and Maria on a boat headed here;where we was found our Great-Uncle who after the revolution secluded himself  from Russia and Europe, but Nastya how did you escaped", I went on explaining what happen in the past ten years. We then look to the door to a pregnant Maria who screamed, I then proceeded to tell her what happen."Alexei grandma want to see you in Paris", "come on then let's go" we all stand up except for Maria,"I'm staying because I'm pregnant unable to travel". Me,Alexei, and my entourage gets back on the ship heading back to Paris.

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