Chapter 7 News Reach the Ipatiev House

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Third POV:

A Soviet solder rushes into the house where the rest of the Romanov's at to tell Yakov Yurovsky the news from Moscow and Peterhof. "Captain! news from Moscow from the Imperial Provisional Government set up by the people", The royal family watches the exchange,"Lenin is dead,the people revolted,Recently Crowned Empress Anastasia and Deposed Tsarvich Alexei is alive in Paris, the people wants the Romanov's back on the throne","What of Cheka is it still doing something?","It's disbanded after Stalin fled and we lost 3/4 of the army", Yakov set down in a chair and says "pack everything up and we are leaving the royal family here, so we can go meet up with Stalin in Denmark","yes sir", he and the remains of Cheka get into a truck and drives off towards Denmark.

"Nicholas did you hear that Anastasia and Alexei is still alive", "yes I heard Alix", they walk out of the house for the first time in a decade and walks towards Yekaterinburg. They soon enter the city and spots guards with the blue uniform of the Tsar. People begins looking towards them and bowed; guards who was nearby said "your majesties, we must get you to St.Petersburg now". They on a train heading towards the Winter Palace.

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