Chapter 31 Russian Commonwealth Twenty Anniversary

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Anastasia POV:
I was sitting on the throne wearing a blue dress with gold detailing on it watching the ball along with Catherine and Arina with their respected partners wearing similar dress to mine. I turned to see Mother and Father arriving sitting in the two thrones next to me on my left. I stands up and goes to the microphone, "For a decade, the Revolutionary Soviets ruled Russia with a iron fist from 1916 to 1926 over thrown by the people they claimed to have started the revolution for, The only reason why they never executed my parents or my other sisters is that they was searching for me, my brother Alexei, and my sister Maria to kill us all together by ending any major claims to the throne, and my survivor raised hope and over throw the hated Soviet order and restored the monarchy, Long Live The Romanov's".

Dmitri was talking with Alexei, Boris, Noah, and Gleb on dance floor, while Olga, Tatiana, and Maria was sitting down chatting. The lights goes off and a figure move through the crowd towards me, "Hello Your Imperial Majesty", "Rasputin", "For Twenty long years you been on this throne, my throne and I want it", he begins scanning the crowd and sees Mother and Father sitting on the thrones tense, "The Dowagers I should have killed you both twenty years ago instead on relying on the people to do that deed", He looks towards Alexei, "Ah the Former Tsarevich turned Prime Minister I should have cut you instead of healing you", He turns to Catherine who was shaking being held by Nikita, "I couldn't kill any of you, so my target be the youngest Romanov", he pointed his reliquary at Catherine and blasted it. She raised her hand up and raised a purple shield protecting her and Nikita and she lowers the shield looking at her hands in shock. Rasputin screams because a beam of light rip right through his arm vaporizing it and he disappeared in green smoke. Bartok came down from the rafters in his elderly state and bowed and then apologizing for not giving a warning and I dismissed him. We look at who fire the blast at him and sees Alexander with his arm raise standing with Arina, Catherine seen this and runs to him hugging and Peter join it. "Aunt Anastasia I believed the party guest should return to where they are staying for the night", "Yes, Grand Duke Calvin".

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