Chapter 14 A New Soviet Revolution

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Anastasia POV:

It's been two weeks since Stalin surrendered and the news of my pregnancy, Alexei and Dmitri been hovering around me all the time.  I'm was sat in the greenhouse hiding from Alexei and Dmitri because their hovering is obsessive, when I sees a guard coming towards me. "Your Majesty, I regret to inform you that Joseph Stalin escaped his cell with assistance from the rebels","tell the general to find them and put them under heavy guard to insure this doesn't happen again, Good Day". The guard walks away and I sees Alexei entering the greenhouse so I hid in a thick bush. "Prime Minister the Empress was over there....." the guard said pointing to the empty place where I was just at. Alexei walks over to it and picks up something and it was my crown, so I touch my head and it was gone.

Alexei POV:

I sees Nastya crown and started looking around worried, afraid I might have lost my sister to the rebels. I began searching the greenhouse for any clues to where she went.

Anastasia POV:

I was watching Alexei look for me and he give up and sat down crying, so I got up and went to hold him. He look at me then hug me shaking,"Nastya I thought I lost you","you would never lose me Ayosha, you are stuck with me", we remain in that position for a while. We then went to my sitting room and began listening to the radio on world events;when something peak out interests,"Breaking News leader of the Nazi Party Adolf Hitler signed a alliance with the Soviet in Exile Joseph Stalin". Me and Alexei look at each other in shock and ran out the room to prepare for a emergency council meeting.

Me and Alexei met at the car and left for the winter palace; we stop in the front and ran in as servants saw us running confused. We push the door open and everyone look up at us as I begin speaking, "Stalin has joined Hitler side and created a alliance", everyone gasp in shock.

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