Chapter 19 War Breaks out and New Friend

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Anastasia POV:
It's 1939 and the Germans done it they lit the flame with their ambitions of expansion into Poland and forcing Russia and it's Commonwealth States along with France and England to retailate. We already declare war and the Eastern front is at a stand still at the German-Polish border. I have set a parade to feature Alexander, Peter, and Catherine to march through Petersburg to raise moral and recruitment and I started to isolate the entire family to the palace grounds. Mom is staying in England in the Sussex Palace while Maria, Calvin, and Noah is staying in the United States. The only family in Petersburg is my family in Catherine Palace, Alexei, Tatiana and her husband Gleb apparently they was secretly dating and elope without anyone knowledge and Aunt Xenia and her Family is staying in Alexander Palace.

Anastasia stands at a podium being watched by cameras, "It is with a heavy heart to announced that the Russian Commonwealth is at war with Germany and that the State Duma is being dissolved for the duration of this war".

Grand Duchess Catherine III POV:

I really want to see Nana in England, but Mamma said it was to dangerous to go past Germany. Me and my brothers is on a parade float being watch by our nanny as we goes through Petersburg. Alex and Peter is waving at everyone while I'm just looking at a boy who had rags as clothes caught my eyes, so I smiled and he bowed and smiled back and I kept watching him as we go out of view.

??? Boy POV:

I can't believe it Princess Catherine seen me and smiled and I just bowed at her. I can't be with her because I'm a pleasant and she's a princess.

Catherine POV: 

Me, Alex, and Peter was eating dinner along with Aunt Tatiana while mamma, papa, Uncle Alexei, and Uncle Gleb is busy working. I had a napkin in my lap putting biscuits in often while everyone talks. I excused myself and head to the kitchen taking food and putting it in a bag and getting my cloak and a crown on under my hood. I walks out of the servants exit and walks into town and I begins to hand out food to people who is sitting on the streets.

??? Boy POV:

I see Princess Catherine in a hood giving food out to people and she walks past me hiding in the alley and stops to look at the alley saying "Come out I wont hurt you", I walks to her because you can't ignore a princess orders,"What's your name?"," It's Nikita","No surname?", I shakes my head,"Nice meeting you Nikita and here's a couple biscuits", she kiss me on the cheek and walks back to the palace with an empty bag leaving me brushing.

Catherine POV:

Nikita is nice, shy, and sweet and I hope I see him tomorrow evening as I walk into the foyer of the palace. I see mamma's lady in waiting Anna tapping her heels frowning,"Come on Princess Catherine your mother wants to see you", we walks to mamma's study and they was waiting in there. "Catherine where was you?","I went to the city giving out food because I had so much and they didn't","You still could have told and bought someone","I know I'm sorry Mamma","I'm letting you to go out if only you bought someone with you and your kind heart", she walks over to the medal display case and took out one that look like a two headed eagle and place on my dress,"I award you with the Imperial Golden Heart","But Mamma it belongs to Grandfather are you sure?","Yes, I am now off to bed". I walks to my shared room with Alex and Peter and I got tackled with a hug from them. We separated and I went to bed.

It was morning so I got my dress on and put my medal on and ran into Aunt Tatiana. "Where you going kiddo?","Out to the city and can you come along","Alright". We head to the kitchen and I got a bag of food ready,  while we put on cloaks and head into town passing out food and I had a smaller bag for my new friend Nikita. We seen him being beaten by a baker and saw guards turning the corner, so Aunt Tatiana ran over and stop the baker, He said" Your Highness, this kid stole from me","That gave you an excuse to beat a kid", while they were talking I went over to Nikita and put my hand on his shoulder " Hi Nikita", He looks up at me with bruises all over his face and faints and I scream. Aunt Tatiana looks over to me and sees Nikita fainted, while guards was taking the baker away, she picks up Nikita and I follow behind to the palace. We put him in the guest room and I left a bag of food for him while Aunt Tatiana begins cleaning up his face and put a ice pack on his head. We went to the dining room for lunch and I took my plate to Nikita's room and sat at the window eating.

Nikita POV:

I wakes up breathing heavily looking around noticing I'm in a nice room with silk blankets covering me. I see Princess Catherine coming to me and sat down on the bed barefoot,"Nikita How are you?","I'm fine just hurt","Me and my Aunt Tatiana got you back here and fix your up", I was shock that the Grand Duchess of St. Petersburg carried me to the palace,"Nikita how old are you?","I think nine","You want to meet my brothers?", I was shock me a pleasant meeting the future Tsar and a Grand Duke. She took my hand and walk me out the door holding and asking a lady in waiting where her brothers are and we started walking to the throne room and she opens the door.

Catherine POV:

I walk in with Nikita and sees my brothers playing a game and Alex was sitting on the throne with a cardboard sword and shield next to him, while Peter is standing in front of him saying something with a sword out. I cough and they both look towards me and Nikita and Alex says "Cathy whose your friend?","This my new friend Nikita","Hello your highnesses","Nice to meet you Nikita and do you guys want to play?".

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